Italy 24 Press News

Senigallia becomes part of Noi Marche Bike Life

The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between Noi Marche Bike Life and the municipality of Senigallia took place on Monday morning.

“There are 29 municipalities that have already signed up to the protocol – explains Loredana Miconi – involving all the provinces of the Marche. This is a project to promote the area with cycle tourism routes from the sea to the mountains. To find out about the project and the routes you can use the Noi Marche app or visit the website to see all the itineraries and events proposed.”

Starting from the Memorandum of Understanding signed on Monday, the routes that will concern Senigallia and the surrounding municipalities will now be selected in order to soon offer tourists a new way of exploring the area.

“It is important for Senigallia to have entered the Noi Marche Bike Life circuit at 360 degrees – comments the tourism councilor Simona Romagnoli – it is an important partnership, which helps the city to enter what is a growing market and It thus allows us to offer a new product online between the various local entities and tour operators.”

“The routes we are selecting – explains Mauro Fumagalli, one of the founders of the project – are usually on secondary roads. The project placed second in 2022 for the national cycle touring Oscar. But it is not just the creation of itineraries but above all the creation of a commercial network of operators with the aim of promoting the area with the use of bicycles”.

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