Italy 24 Press News

Berlinguer’s tomb still desecrated in Rome, his children: “Third time, he’s not deranged: a political gesture”

«For the third time in the space of just two months tomb of our father in graveyard Of First Door was desecrated, six days after the anniversary of his death.” They write it Bianca, Maria, Marco and Laura Berlinguer, children by Enrico, in a post published on Instagram. «The cowardly action of some scoundrels – they continue – reveals that it is not the act of a deranged person but of a gesture from the content clearly politic. We hope that the necessary measures will be adopted to avoid further outrages.”

Tomb vandalized

There family of the historic leader of the PCI thus returns to report a new outrage, after the last one that occurred a short time ago, on May 13th, also in Roman cemetery. Other photos, on that occasion, with his journalist daughter Bianca Berlinguer That he wrote: «In the forty years since dad’s death his tomb It has always been full Of flowers brought by many people who stopped for a thought and a tribute. And this has always been a great comfort for us children. In the’last month the tomb has been twice vandalized by someone (one or more people): vases destroyed, flowers thrown away and flowerbeds trampled. A cowardly and ignoble act.”

And now there new desecrationbroken vases and flowers collapsed to the Bassanother affront that pushes the family to think that, at this point, it is no longer the isolated gesture of an attacker but atargeted action and guided by a precise political intent. After the May episode there were inspectionson the part of police. However, no decisive elements would have emerged to route the investigations on a specific track. The new “blitz”, however, reopens the case and also recalls theAttention of the Municipality of Rome and its municipal corporation Lovesvery often contested for the degradation and neglect of the Capitoline cemeteries, undefended plus an effective system video surveillance.

The reactions, from the Pd to FdI

«It’s the third time in less than two months – he intervenes Nicola Fratoianni of the Greens and Left Alliance – it is clear that this is not an individual gesture, but a political act. Is it possible that no one made sure that this massacre was not repeated? Now, so that it doesn’t happen again responsible are identified e punished we expect that authority Yes activate immediately, for this reason I will present a parliamentary question to the Minister of the Interior”.

«The desecration of Berlinguer’s tomb, yet another, is indignant and worrying – says Davide Faraone (Italia viva) -. Repeated gestures which are the sign of a violent and arrogant political climate which also has repercussions in the country.”

«It can no longer be a coincidence, it is a disfigurement of memory and history – he writes on X Chiara Bragagroup leader PD at the Room -. We ask the minister Piantedosi to identify those responsible and protect the monument, so that no outrageous offense can be repeated.” Always from the Democratic Party Francesco Boccia he adds: «It is no longer tolerable that this outrage is repeated without the culprits being identified and punished, as the Democratic Party we will deposit a question to the government at Palazzo Madama, with my first signature».

Solidarity also from Fdi with the president of the Culture commission in the Chamber Federico Mollicone: «The new attempt, third in the space of a few months, is the testimony of the climate Of hate and of political violence which continues to persevere in Rome and throughout Italy. We hope that the Municipality and the authorities will identify the perpetrator as soon as possible.”

Anpi: «Authors who emerged from the sewers»

«I have no words, Enrico Berlinguer’s tomb has still been vandalized, the authors have still come out of their sewers – he writes in a harsh note Gianfranco Pagliarulonational president ofAnpi -. This confirms that it is a delinquent act with a clear political meaning and that the authorities have not identified those responsible and in any case have not prevented the recurrence of the vandalism act: it is a shameonce again my full solidarity and that of the entire ANPI to the family members.”

The Municipality: «More controls»

While thecouncillor Capitoline to the Environment Sabrina Alfonsialso responsible for the management of cemeteries, promises more controls: «Acts of this kind must never be repeated – Alfonsi wants to assure -: we will take care to have Ama intervene immediately to restore the place and together with the local police we will implement actions to boost up there surveillancein order to avoid further possible outrages, which affect not only the figure of one of the most important Italian politicians, but also our collective memory”.

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