Italy 24 Press News

Tragedy of Victoria. Wajdi remains in prison, his arrest confirmed: he admitted the facts

The judge for preliminary investigations Vincenzo Ignaccolo, after a few hours of deliberation, validated the arrest and confirmed the precautionary custody in prison for Wajdi Zaouadi, 30 years old. In the early hours of June 13 he started a fire in his family home while two of his sisters and parents were inside. As a result of the burns, his mother Mariem, 55, and sister Samah, 34, died. The conditions of his father Kamel, 57, and his younger sister, Omaima, 19, remain very serious due to deep burns. This morning Wajdi appeared in prison in Ragusa, before the investigating judge, assisted by the lawyer Giovanni Ascone, appointed ex officio. Also present was the prosecutor of the proceedings, Martina Dall’Amico.

The man admitted the facts

The man underwent the exam and would have admitted the facts. His lawyer has asked that a less afflictive measure be applied to him that would allow him to undergo treatment in a context suitable for his conditions, and where he can be constantly monitored. The prosecutor asked for confirmation of custody in prison. The accusatory hypotheses concern arson, murder, attempted murder aggravated by family ties, cruelty, frivolous motives, and having acted in circumstances such as to hinder private defence. It is probable that an autopsy will be ordered on the bodies of the mother and sister, to substantiate the charges. For this reason, the bodies have not yet been returned to the family, that is, to the only sister who escaped Wajdi’s crazy act because she was engaged in university studies in northern Italy.

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