Italy 24 Press News

Veneto likes second-hand cars: turnover of 2.3 billion

The Second Hand Economy confirms itself as a growing trend and well rooted in the consumption habits of Italians, and Veneto is no exception. According to theSecond Hand Economy Observatory 2023hosted by BVA Doxa for Subito, Veneto is positioned among the top three Italian regions in terms of turnover generated from the buying and selling of second-hand goods, with a turnover of 2.3 billion euros.

An increasingly widespread behavior

In 2023, 67% of Venetians habitually bought and sold used carsdemonstrating a growing sensitivity towards sustainable and circular consumption practices. This helped make the Veneto is the third region in Italy for value generated by the second hand economybehind only Lombardy and Campania/Lazio (tied for second place).

The motivations of Venetian consumers

The main reasons which push the Venetians towards the second-hand market they are savings, sustainability and waste reduction. 55% of second hand buyers declared that they are motivated by the desire to save, while 46% see this practice as an intelligent way of making a sustainable economy. Finally, 38% are motivated by the belief that the reuse of objects can significantly contribute to reducing waste.

As for sellers, the main motivations are “getting rid of objects they no longer use” (77%), “believing in the reuse of objects” (35%) and “earning money” (36%). The average earnings for those who sold used goods in Veneto was 881 euros, higher than the national average of 850 euros.

The boom of the online market

The Observatory highlights a clear preference of Venetians for online buying and selling, which represents 62% of the overall economic value of the second hand market, equal to 1.4 billion euros. 73% of sales and 81% of purchases of used goods take place through online platforms, confirming the trend towards an increasingly e-commerce like experience.

The most popular categories

The most purchased and sold categories online in Veneto include:

  • Online shopping
    1. Home & Person – 60%
    2. Sports & Hobbies – 58%
    3. Electronics – 45%
    4. Vehicles – 25%
  • Online Sales
    1. Home & Person – 66%
    2. Sports & Hobbies – 40%
    3. Electronics – 31%
    4. Vehicles – 13%

In the top 3 of the most purchased products online we find clothing and accessories (24%), IT and furniture and housewares (23%), and sporting goods (18%). For online sales, the best-selling products are clothing and accessories (37%), books and magazines (20%), and children’s items and furniture and housewares (16%).

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