Italy 24 Press News

We Make Future, the Province of Crotone representing the Calabria Region

The three-day event ended successfully International Fair and Festival on Digital Technological Innovation: ‘Digital, AI and Tech – We Make Future’ which took place in Bologna from 13 to 15 June 2024. The Calabria Region was once again the protagonist of a unique experience, which saw the Province of Crotone represent it from a tourism and territorial promotion point of view with Pèlagos – the Museum of the Sea and the beauties of the ‘Capo Rizzuto’ Marine Protected Area.

Immersive experiences that proposed – to the over 3500 visitors to the ‘Calabria Straordinaria’ stand – a Region full of new projects and innovative ideas through the use of augmented reality, virtual tours and digital spaces that faithfully create the physical structures of the places/services using technological-digital tools of the tourism sector aimed at territorial promotion. The Provincial Body was, in fact, chosen by the Calabria Region, through participation in an expression of interest, with the aim of promoting and encouraging the local tourism system, territorial marketing, the promotion of technological and digital innovation in the field tourist.

At the stand some were used viewers developed by SPINOFF University of Calabria 3D Research to give the many visitors the opportunity to have an immersive experience among underwater paths, the seabed and submerged wrecks in the ‘Capo Rizzuto’ Marine Protected Area identifying some strategic points such as Crotone, Capo Donato, Capo Colonna, Capo Cimiti, Capo Rizzuto and Le Castella.

The virtual experience accompanied the visitor into the depths of the sea arriving at the wrecks lying on the seabed of the Ionian coast, such as the Roman ship wreck with the marble blocks at Scifo, the submerged columns at Capo Cimiti, the Gunny wreck between Pizzo Greco and Capo Bianco, the Chico Bengala wreck near the Secce di Capo Rizzuto, the Carboniera wreck near Capo Piccolo. Present at the event were the President of the Province Sergio Ferrarithe Provincial Councillor Raffaele Gareriwith delegation in matters of the Marine Protected Area ‘Capo Rizzuto, the Provincial Councilor Mario Megna with responsibility for the Promotion of the Territory, the Manager of the Marine Protected Area Sector, Arturo Crugliano Pantisano and three employees of the organization who coordinated the activity at the stand and welcomed the many visitors queuing up to have their ‘3D experience’.

The Province’s stand located in pavilion 29 – featuring the ‘Calabria Straordinaria’ brand – was one of the most visited in the whole of BolognaFiere. In fact, many young people wanted to live a unique ‘travel’ experience with a virtual journey through the seabed. “It is the tenth edition of ‘We Make Future’ and this year, at the fair in Bologna, the Province of Crotone is the protagonist – declared the President Sergio Ferrari -.

It was an extraordinary experience, three days which saw the participation of many young people at the Marine Protected Area stand and I wanted to thank the Calabria Region for this great opportunity which was given to the Province of Crotone. But I also thank the officials, my staff, the Sector Manager, the Provincial Councilors for their great commitment because they immediately got to work to achieve one goal: promoting the Crotone area and our extraordinary Calabria”.

At the end of the event, on 15 June, the Councillor Raffaele Gareri held an interesting open meeting in Mainstage promoting the Pèlagos museum and interacting with the young people present in the room.

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