Italy 24 Press News

Calabria, migrant boat capsized off the coast

Calabria, migrant boat capsized off the coast

One hundred miles from the coast of Calabria, a sailing boat with dozens of migrants on board capsized. The survivors were rescued by a merchant ship and the Coast Guard soldiers. The search for the missing is currently underway.

The tragedy

About fifty migrants are missing due to the rollover, about one hundred miles away from the coast of Calabria, of the sailing boat on which they were travelling. A merchant vessel came to the rescue of the vessel and subsequently transferred the 12 surviving migrants to a Coast Guard unit which then landed in Roccella Ionica.

Searches for the missing

The body of a woman who died after falling into the sea also arrived in port. Searches have now been activated missing peoplebut, at the moment, none have been recovered.

Source: Ansa

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