Italy 24 Press News

Biodiversity day in Trapani

A walk to discover the beauties and mysteries that lie behind San Vito Lo Capo. This is an initiative organized by the FAI of Trapani in collaboration with the Municipality of San Vito.

Visitors had the opportunity to first listen to the history of Torrazzo, then to visit the Archaeological Museum and the Cous Cous Museum.

FAI Trapani then organized a walk in the Calamancina area, famous for its sea.
The Calamancina area, however, is also known for its cliffs, which represent an important element for the biodiversity of the place.

«It was a very important day for the growth of culture and the valorization of traditions – said councilor Leonardo Sieli -. This is one of the objectives of our Administration, which is why we strongly wanted this day.”

And this is precisely the aim of the walk. Three attentive connoisseurs of the area, Giovanni Vultaggio, Catia Alongi and Riccardo Maltese, told the story of the places and activities that took place. But not only. During the initiative, in fact, it was possible to learn about the characteristics of plants and animals.

The geological aspect, however, was dealt with by Gianfranco Orioles and Leonardo Rodolico.

Particular, then, was the story, created by Sarah Pianelli of the FAI TRAPANI youth group, of the Torrazzo Tower, one of the oldest towers of San Vito Lo Capo.

The tower, built in the 16th century, was created to protect the old local tuna fishery. The tower, set back from the sea, is located near the port of San Vito Lo Capo. Many tall human skeletons were found in these areas. Legend says that they are skeletons of giants but, in reality, they were probably the skeletons of the fishermen who lived and worked there.

The tower has a circular base with a diameter of 15 meters with a scarp structure, i.e. an architectural work characterized by an inclined wall, which performs a defensive function, so as to allow the foundations to be strengthened, to distance enemies from the wall perimeter and to improve the possibility of shooting. In short, a tower full of history, which could soon become an archaeological museum, which is located in an area that is not just a seaside resort but an area rich in local flora and fauna.

Chiara Conticello

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