Italy 24 Press News

The city surrenders and with it the image of Cassì 2

That the situation is not getting better for the Cassì administration is demonstrated by the fact that, if even the most moderate, most serene councilors write certain statements, it means that the limit of patience of even the calmest people has been exceeded.
In the city, people are getting tired, and even those who have to report on the state of mind of the angry citizens are tired from the amount of reports that arrive every day.

City councilor Sebastiano Zagami found himself forced to forward a question to the Mayor, the councilor for public works and the President of the City Council due to the continuation of a condition, in a public street, which could also jeopardize the safety of citizens.
But the most serious aspect is given by the fact that the councilor asserts, and given the person, among the good ones of the city council, it is to be trusted that despite “the repeated requests through photos and messages, presented by the undersigned to the Councilor for Public Works”, for a problem that was at least 2 years old, the only remedy was to install a construction net to delimit the affected area, with the words work in progress.
Except that the work is not underway.
This involves a significant lowering of the road and sidewalk level by 50 cm for approximately 70 meters of length.

These are the results of the city entrusted to these jocks of new politics, a city where, now, contrary to tradition, the majority of sectors show obvious critical issues.

This is Councilor Zagami’s question:

To the Mayor, Attorney Giuseppe Cassì
To the Councilor for Public Works, Engineer Giovanni Giuffrida
To the President of the City Council, Dr. Fabrizio Ilardo

RAGUSA 17/06/2024

Subject: question about lowering the road and sidewalk level of Corso Vittorio Veneto civic 546-548.

I, the undersigned city councilor, Sebastiano Zagami, making use of the right of questioning pursuant to article 32 of the Council Regulation, present the following question for clarifications and explanations.

that in Corso Vittorio Veneto, for more than 2 years, there has been a lowering of the road and sidewalk level by 50 cm compared to approximately 70 meters in length, as can be seen from the attached photos and for approximately a year and a half, the competent office has ascertained the damage;

that residents of the area have sent numerous emails to report this problem to the municipal administration, without obtaining a definitive resolution of the problem;

that despite repeated requests through photos and messages, presented by the undersigned to the Councilor for Public Works, the only action taken was the installation of a construction site net, with the words work in progress.

Considering that this situation has been going on for a long time, it is essential to intervene immediately to prevent the damage from worsening further, leading to greater and burdensome expenses for the Authority, and increasingly serious risks both for the safety and security of citizens and for the structure of the surrounding houses.

For this reason I ask the competent Councilor:

1. What are the specific causes of delays?

2. What concrete and timely actions do you intend to take to definitively resolve the problem?

3. By what deadline is the definitive intervention expected?

4. Is it considered appropriate to immediately allocate the necessary funds to avoid further worsening of the damage and additional costs?

5. What preventive measures do you intend to adopt to prevent similar situations from recurring in the future?

An oral response is required within the deadlines set by the Regulation.

City Councilor
Dr. Sebastiano Zagami

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