Italy 24 Press News

Crotone, the torrid heat arrives and there is no water. Inconveniences in Papanice

CROTONE The scorching heat arrives and there is no water. The emergency, for the moment, is relegated only to the Papanice neighborhood, on the outskirts of Crotone. This is an incomprehensible act for the inhabitants of the town-neighborhood because, in the rest of the Pythagorean city, up to now, the water supply has been guaranteed. In Papanice, however, over eight days the water was cut off for four nights. In truth, the interruption began around 5pm and the precious liquid flowed again after 9am the following morning. It is not a matter of a few hours and the inconvenience caused to the population is enormous, especially now that the heat is making itself felt in an exaggerated manner. It is especially the elderly and families with young children who pay the price. The poorest families don’t even have a reserve tank. With the arrival of the oppressive heat there is a need for more water and it happens that the quantity has been reduced. Also this morning in Papanice the supply was interrupted without the population knowing anything about it. Not a shred of statement. The population that suffers the hardship says that the emergency strikes in silence as do the killers who operate in the shadows. The Committee for the defense of the citizens of Papanice, founded about 30 years ago precisely to solve the problem of the water emergency, is not there. When the Committee was born, the problem was represented by the connection of the Papanice reservoir, which did not refer to the Crotone drinking water treatment plant currently managed by Sorical. The Committee’s first years of struggle served to achieve the objective of connecting to the drinking water plant and the problem was resolved after a large protest. The current discomfort is produced by Congesi’s choice to address the problem of the demand for a greater quantity of water arriving from the entire Pythagorean city, reducing the supply only to Papanice. The Committee doesn’t agree and has gone back to reorganizing itself. He contacted the Vallone law firm in Crotone, which ensured free legal aid. It was also decided to reduce the next bill that Congesi will send. The reduction is legally justified by the fact that Congesi, with his choices, penalizes exclusively the inhabitants of Papanice, thus favoring the part of the city’s population that lives in the center, but also that of the other peripheral neighborhoods. In Papanice you spend more. The user who has a storage tank must use the “electric motor” to get the water to the tap. In addition, there is the cost of electricity that other citizens of Crotone do not have to face. The fault obviously lies with those who made the choice to penalize only the inhabitants of Papanice. In the town-neighborhood they ask themselves whether those who govern the city consider them inhabitants of Crotone for all intents and purposes or whether, instead, they are considered citizens exclusively when they have to pay taxes. The problem is destined to grow with the return home of emigrants. In the past it has also happened that some of the emigrants were forced to return before their holidays ended at their places of work. You can’t live without water to wash or cook.

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