Italy 24 Press News

also in Pescara the stage of the stroke and heart attack prevention campaign

Dulcinea, the sailing boat equipped with a sonographer and wireless echocardiogram, which is circumnavigating Italy, will be inaugurated today, Monday 17 June, at the tourist port of Pescara, for its stop in Abruzzo. Free echocardiograms are provided promoted by Cardioteam Foundation Onlus, in collaboration with Assonautica Pescara Chieti and the Marina di Pescara tourist port.

The checks and visits to support the stroke and heart attack prevention campaign will be held from 17 to 22 June.

Since its journey began in September 2023 in the port of Imperia, Dulcinea has been bringing the prevention of stroke and heart attack (still one of the main causes of mortality and disability in Italy) along the coasts of our country. and in 12 months it will touch 30 Italian ports carrying out over 3000 free echocardiograms on subjects aged 50 to 75.

Getting on board is very easy. For those between 50 and 75 years old and who want to undergo a free echocardiogram, it is necessary to book on the website and The booking agenda is available in the days before landing in each port.

Everyone can contribute by donating one or more nautical miles on the Rete del Dono website, on the page dedicated to the project A way to be close to Cardioteam – A sail for the heart and blow on the sails of solidarity.

All people aged 50 to 75 who undergo an echocardiogram will receive the test results and a brochure on the lifestyle to adopt to prevent heart attack and stroke. In the Cardioteam Foundation Onlus tent, set up for about a week in each port of call, training will be given on nutrition, physical activity, control of blood pressure, diabetes and blood cholesterol.

“Prevention – says Dr. Marco Diena – save more than cures! I strongly believe in the importance of prevention. Cardiovascular diseases have the sad distinction of being the leading cause of death from heart attack and disability from stroke, surpassing all cancers combined. But heart disease is not a fatality, it can be detected and treated. No segment of the population is totally free from risk, not even young people. However, it is important for everyone to know that in addition to the non-modifiable risk factors, attributable to age, sex and family history, there are also the so-called modifiable ones, which depend exclusively on lifestyle. In the Cardioteam – Una Vela per il Cuore tour we bring the culture of prevention among the people, we distribute information material to everyone, so that each stop allows us to reach thousands of people, their friends, their families… The more people we manage to inform , the more people we will be able to save!”.

“Assonautica Pescara Chieti with its Sea Desk” – comments the president of Assonautica Pescara Chieti Francesco Di Filippo – “has always carried out organizational support activities for events and information activities in favor of boaters and lovers of the sea and sea sports. Safety and prevention in boating have always been at the center of the information and training activities carried out by our association. With these premises we could only enthusiastically welcome the proposal to support such an important initiative and so centered on the objectives of Assonautica Pescara Chieti. Our compliments and admiration to the “Una Vela per il Cuore” team and to the professionals for their worthy activity”.

“It is not the first time that the Marina di Pescara makes its facilities available for health or prevention awareness initiatives” comments the president of the Marina Gianni Taucci. “However, in the case of Dulcinea’s arrival, the combination of sailing and cardioprevention appears to be very appropriate. We are therefore very happy to host the Cardioteam – A Sailing for the Heart tour and equally proud to be able to contribute to making available first of all to our guests, but also to the citizens, the skills and medical wisdom of a team of professionals who have decided to dedicate an important part of your time to fighting the onset of cardiovascular diseases”.

The Cardioteam journey includes: a boat – Dulcinea -, a camper, 12 months, 30 stages, hundreds of volunteers, over three thousand nautical miles to travel, more than 3000 free echocardiograms to be carried out.

The journey is dedicated to two great men and sailors: the lawyer. Gianfranco Putaturo and Eng. Sandro Buzzi.

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