Italy 24 Press News

​The Caring massage project arrives at San Donato

Monday 17 June 2024 – 09:01

The training course for the nursing profession dedicated to Caring massage has concluded at San Donato in Arezzo, the contact practice which aims to accompany nurses towards the kindness of the gesture of care, paying attention to body awareness and specific modalities such as pressure, shape, distance, proximity, speed and slowness of the gesture.

The course was organized by the Department of Nursing and Midwifery Professions of the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority which has long chosen to invest in a professional vision oriented towards relationship-based care. Caring Massage represents, together with nursing knowledge of a technical, relational and educational nature, a precious tool in the relationship with the person being cared for.
“Caring Massage – explains the director of the Department, Vianella Agostinelli – is an intentional and conscious contact. It is based on a philosophical vision of man and care and on a body of scientific and psychosocial knowledge. The objective is to transform the daily gestures of assistance into an opportunity for authentic care and presence, for contact, for the acceptance of physical and psychological pain, for the reduction of psycho-physical stress to support the person assisted in their journey”.
The training activity was introduced in the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority in Grosseto and Siena and has now arrived in Arezzo, with the presence of 24 nurses from the surgical, medical and territorial oncology areas who participated in the course. The second edition is scheduled for December at the San Donato hospital and in the meantime the participants will take part in the ‘Community of practice’ which will allow them to improve and deepen the study of caring massage and to apply the gestures learned in care settings for practical learning more effective.
The consolidation of the community of practice will allow the activation of consultancy by the nurse expert in caring massage also for the internal staff of the local health authority, in support of the company network of organizational well-being for the prevention of burn-out and the support of colleagues and to colleagues who are going through critical moments at work.

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