Italy 24 Press News

What happens with foster care in Turin? Over 300 children in Community Home – Turin News

Several anonymous complaints presented over the years to the prosecutor’s office in Turin and the Bibbiano investigation which extends to the Piedmontese capital (only to later acquit the social services workers) in the case of the two Nigerian brothers, entrusted to a couple of women in 2013, now sent to trial. What is happening in the Turin foster care system? According to data provided by the Municipality’s Social Services, as of December 31st, they are 301 children were welcomed into residential services in the area, that is, in community houses. Most (210) are between 15 and 17 years old. Five of the youngest, between 0 and two years of age.

THE JUDGMENT – Children in foster care mistreated. The two mothers on trial

«The idea must be radically cleared away» that the workers of the social services of the Municipality of Turin «have emphasized a condition of hardship of little or limited importance» on a child placed in foster care «for the sole purpose of encouraging his uprooting from his environment family of origin”. This is what judge Stefano Sala, of the Turin court, writes in the sentence – reported by Ansa – with which he acquitted some officials accused in an affair reminiscent of the Bibbiano case directly at the preliminary hearing, deeming a trial unnecessary. In detail, the proceeding referred to two little brothers of Nigerian origin who were entrusted to a couple of women in 2013. Both, unlike the operators, have been sent to trial, and there is a case against them of mistreatment inflicted on the children.
In the reasons for the sentence, cited by Ansa, Judge Sala speaks of a “failing” public system, referring to the inability to “fully and in minimally acceptable terms protect the psychophysical well-being” of the two children entrusted to the female couple. Another key passage of the document focuses on the alleged attempt by the foster carers, with the help of their trusted consultant, to influence the children’s memories. According to the accusation, two Municipality workers should have «unmasked the deception and mystifying activity» of the women and prevented them from disclosing the information “to third parties”: the judge, however, exonerated them because, in his opinion, they did not they had the tools to intervene and, in any case, it is a non-punishable conduct.
«Unfortunately, the procedure started from an incorrect assumption and prejudice. And fortunately the Judge of the preliminary hearing – also thanks to the modification of the preliminary hearing judging rule introduced by the Cartabia reform – immediately acquitted almost all the defendants who risked a truly unfair trial based on nothing” he declared in recent days the lawyer Claudio Strata, defender of one of the social services workers of the Municipality of Turin acquitted at the preliminary hearing for the custody case of two children of Nigerian origin.

Judicial authority
«There are no illegitimate removals, which are not permitted by law, if anything, there is a growing request for intervention from social services to support families by the judicial authority for the removal of minors and for their placement in alternative residential contexts to their family of origin” explains Welfare councilor Jacopo Rosatelli. Numbers in hand, 283 requests for custody – out of a total of 301 – derive from the indication of the judicial authority. Only eight can be traced back to consensual proceedings.

Social discomfort is growing
«Let’s record a growing distress in families and an increase in fragility – explains Rosatelli -. The result is an increase in the need to support families and, consequently, to protect minors. For this reason, there are more and more interventions by the judicial authorities. Social services struggle to respond to all the requests that arrive.”
While reports are increasing, the number of legal disputes is also growing. In fact, more and more often i foster care files arrive at the prosecutor’s office.

There is a lack of foster families
«The foster care system has a macro problem: the availability of foster families is scarce» concludes councilor Rosatelli. Faced with an increase in removals, there is a lack of families willing to welcome them. «I’m talking about singles, traditional and non-traditional families» adds the councilor. Probably also due to the amount of reimbursement for those who decide to undertake this path. There is therefore a Bibbiano case also in Turin? «If by Bibbiano we mean the tendency to exaggerate with removals, absolutely not» concludes Rosatelli.

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