Italy 24 Press News

Mediterranean Festival SuddiVisioni in Catania from 24 June to 7 July –

The Mediterranean Festival SuddiVisioni for theater for the new generations returns with the third edition with something new. From 24 June to 7 July, in the open spaces of the Ventorino Institute, in via dei Salesiani, 2, in Catania, a real 10-day event will take place including shows for children and young adults, a juggling workshop conducted by Steve Cable. The three theater companies of the South: La Casa di Creta Teatro Argentum Potabile for Sicily, TeatroP for Calabria and Molino d’Arte for Puglia, together for the third consecutive year to create a complete theater festival, which is a moment of creativity and imagination from the smallest to the largest in the family.

Antonella Caldarella and Steve Cable, of La Casa di Creta Teatro Argentum Potabile, a company specialized for over 25 years in Theater for the New Generations, are organizing this festival for the third year, introducing a gem: “This year we have planned a wonderful novelty for everyone parents who would like to go to the theater but can’t because they don’t have anyone to leave their young children with. We have thought of a simultaneous event in the same courtyard, which will allow adults to see a show and children to experience an interactive performance entitled “Journeys through fairy tales”. This last activity dedicated to families requires reservation. We look forward to seeing you again this year to enjoy a festival for the whole family that brings together all ages: childhood, young people and adults”.
11 shows starting at 8.30pm except one at 6.30pm. 7 theater performances for children and 4 for adults starting at 9pm. Subscriptions are required for both the children’s section and the theater performances for young people/adults.

On June 24th, at 8.30 pm, the Venetian company La Contrada will perform “Beauty and the Beast”, a show based on the fairy tale of the same name but here it is a young prince, but also a boy of today, with big ears and hairy eyebrows, transformed into a horrible being by the usual evil witch. It will be followed on the 25th, at 6.30 pm by the same company “Snow White”, an ironic and fun show, where the protagonist of the famous fairy tale is a little different, perhaps less sweet and romantic than the traditional one or animated films, but who fascinates for his carelessness. On the same date, at 9.00 pm there will be the first performance for young people and adults “1,2,3 Pirandello” by the Emilian company of the Teatro del Cerchio. The programming continues on June 26th with the same company, at 8.30 pm with ‘The Wolf and the Goat’, it is the story of a friendship born spontaneously even if generated by a misunderstanding. Instead, on June 27th, at 8.30 pm he will perform “It lives! It breathes!”, produced by the Teatro Argentum Potabile of Catania, a non-verbal theatrical experience where in the absence of words, the essential elements of – the original music by Andrea Cable that accompanies the entire piece, the lights, the bodies of the actors and dancers and, more protagonist than mere background, the building with its architectural particularities.

The following day, at the same time, “The Little Mermaid” by the Teatro dei Navigli company will be performed. Instead, on July 1st it will be the turn of “Il nano Tremontino” a show produced by the Ligurian company of Cattivi maestros. The same theater company will perform the following day, at 9.00 pm with “Senza Voce” for young people and adults. On July 3, the Sardinian company Actores Alidos will perform with “Buon viaggio”. And again, on July 4th, at 9.00 pm, the Lazio company Errare Persona will express itself with the theatrical performance “Esperanto”.

The program will end on July 5th, at 8.30 pm with “Hans and Gretel” produced by La Casa di Creta.

For reservations and information: 353.4304936 – 338.2044274

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