Italy 24 Press News

Escape from the Phlegraean Fields, Tuscia on alert

Escape from the Phlegraean Fields, Tuscia on alert. The province of Viterbo is ready to welcome thousands of Neapolitan citizens from Fuorigrotta. This is what is foreseen by the emergency program linked to a possible worsening of the situation in the Campi Flegrei, where last May 20th a seismic swarm began which produced over 160 tremors, including one of magnitude 4.4 which brought thousands of citizens to leave their homes and sleep in their cars.

For each area a “twin” region has been assigned

Since that day, civil protection has been keeping an eye on the area of ​​the province of Naples, which has been monitored for some time also due to Vesuvius, which is now considered to be at zero risk but still needs to be kept under control. Even the State, however, does not stand idly by. In 2016, the then Renzi government issued a Prime Ministerial Decree in which various areas were identified based on national emergency planning. For each area a “twin” region has been assigned, to which the displaced people will be temporarily transferred.

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Escape from the Phlegraean Fields, Tuscia on alert

According to this arrangement, Lazio will have to host the inhabitants of Fuorigrotta, a neighborhood in the western area of ​​Naples known in Italy for being the home of the San Paolo stadium. It is a densely populated district, with over 70 thousand residents. Fuorigrotta falls within the red zone, an area for which preventive evacuation is, in the event of an “alarm”, the only safeguard measure for the population. In the event of an eruption, it would in fact be exposed to the danger of invasion by pyroclastic flows which, due to their high temperatures and speed, represent the most dangerous phenomenon for people. Around 500 thousand inhabitants live in the area, which obviously also includes other neighbourhoods. Lazio should therefore welcome around 72,500 people. These will be divided into all five provinces, including Viterbo of course.

Tuscia will have to open its doors to thousands of fugagrottani

It is not yet clear according to which criterion the displaced persons to be welcomed will be divided: one could opt for an equitable division from a numerical point of view but, according to several mayors, the option which sees the distribution based on the number of inhabitants in the territories would instead be desirable . In any case, Tuscia will have to open its doors to thousands of fugagrottani, to be “spread” across the 60 municipalities of the province.

Mattia Ugolini


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