Italy 24 Press News

One two three. Time for nursery rhymes. Thus the children conquer the podium

Great success for the awards ceremony of the narrative competition ‘One, two, three, nursery rhymes for me and for you’. Here are the winners of the initiative of the Italian Federation of nursery schools (Fism) of Ferrara which took place in the library of Casa Niccolini in Ferrara.

At the beginning, greetings from Biagio Missanelli, president of the Fism of Ferrara, Grazia Maria De Rubeis, manager of the Library and Archives Service of the Culture and Tourism Sector of the Municipality, from Alice Schiesaro, pedagogical coordinator and representative of the Municipality, Domenico Urbinati and Anna Tassinari respectively managers of the Copparo IC and the Guercino Cento IC. “For years we have collaborated with Fism initiatives – stated De Rubeis – and the choice of Casa Niccolini for the Competition awards demonstrates that the library remains a meeting point between school children, young people, families, associations and citizens”. The schools that won the first places received prizes to support teaching, for a total value of 2000. First prize – FISM Maria Bambina nursery school of S. Bartolomeo in Bosco – “The bee buzzes buzzes” by the children and the teacher Catia Gianisella. Second, Fism S. Vincenzo nursery – “The story of Bear” by the children of the nursery and the educators Silvia Bacchelli and Carmela Sofia De Vicentis. First prize, Neruda nursery school of the Municipality of Ferrara – “We are Giocasport!” , Renata Vecchiatini.

Second, San Vincenzo nursery school – ‘The game of the seasons’, teachers Giovanna Sbeghen, Maria Chiara Palazzi. First prize, Zocca state school – Ic Copparo – “Nursery rhyme plays playful”, teachers Giulia Zoso and Marzia Barboni. Second, Fism Sacro Cuore nursery school – S. Agostino – “Look at me” – of the children and the teacher Clarissa Pizzotti. Third, Fism Serena childhood center – Tresigallo – “Playing together is very nice” – of the children and the teacher Roberta Trazzi. Special prizes. Fism nursery centre, San Giuseppe – Corporeno – ‘The four elements and the

child with powers’, teacher Lisa Bandiera; Alighieri state school – Guercino comprehensive school in Cento – “The snow”, teachers Elena Alberghini, Maria Saletti, Francesca Conti.

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