Italy 24 Press News

«But I will be a traveling companion»

POTENZA PICENA «I will be a traveling companion, outside the Council». It is the decision of the now former mayoral candidate for the center-left in Potenza Picena, Mario Morgoni, in view of the first meeting of the newly elected city council. He announced it to all his supporters: «In a few days – he says – the first session of the newly elected municipal council of Power Picena As mayoral candidate of the defeated coalition I am called to be part of it but I think it is appropriate to make a different choice.”

The request

«To the request made to me over a year ago – he explains – to give my availability to run for mayor, I responded positively solely out of a sense of responsibility. However, the citizens decided to express a clear appreciation for the continuation of the ongoing administrative experience and this no longer makes my availability necessary given that in the opposition council group there is already adequate energy and experience to carry out a function of constructive criticism, of stimulus and control”.

The commitment

And so here is his commitment anyway: «Without holding institutional positions – he announces -, I will continue to be a traveling companion with my presence, advice and above all the example to transmit to young people the passion and values ​​of a policy which in pursuing the good common regains credibility and usefulness. I will continue to dedicate part of my public commitment to the Italian Institute for Asia which I have the honor of presiding and which plays an important role in relations with the countries of a strategic area for the future of the world. And who knows, a small school of politics may see the light of day that gives young people some tools to use to become informed, aware and involved citizens. A heartfelt thank you to all the people who encouraged us, accompanied us and gave us their trust.”


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Adriatic Courier

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