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134 million for telemedicine. The council signs an agreement with Lombardy for the purchase of services

ANCONA The doctor just a click away. The new frontier of health passes through telemedicine and to give substance to the process started with funding from the Pnrr, the council approved on Friday the draft agreement with the Lombardy Region, which is the leader for the projects concerning remote medical services.

What it’s about

Services divided into televisits, teleassistance, teleconsultation and telemonitoring to guarantee better home care, in particular for chronic patients and those with multiple pathologies. The agreement signed by the Marche region provides for the acquisition of a single regional telemedicine platform aimed at «the structured provision of telemonitoring services for chronic patients and the provision of integrated televisit, teleassistance and teleconsultation services – we read in the document – Platform which will be integrated within the ecosystem of already existing regional digital services (fse, cup, regional registry)”. This step is followed by a second for the acquisition of the relevant dedicated workstations (70% fixed, 30% mobile) so as to integrate the platform within the existing organizational and technological model, and to complement the 24/7 technical assistance service to support social and health workers and citizens.

The financing

The pact with Lombardy represents only one segment of the operational plan drawn up by the Region and approved by Agenas last year. Plan financed with 134,398,984 euros, of which 74,081,720 euros, already disbursed, from Pnrr resources. The funding also involves the achievement of objectives on the number of over 65s reached by Integrated Home Care (ADI): the final target for the Marche region, to be reached by 2025, is 37,347 assisted, equal to 9.48% of the regional population over 65 years old. The plan also detailed the number of chronic patients (not only over 65s) who will be taken care of with telemedicine projects: we are talking about 112,886 diabetic patients, 18,814 with respiratory clinical conditions (such as sleep apnoea), 115,781 with cardiological level and 71,254 at the oncological level. A modality, that of telemedicine, which also aims to fill the chronic gap in services in the hinterland. Let’s take a practical example to understand how this remote management will work: the cardiologist can remotely follow the patient by sending data from the devices worn by the person or other tests that the subject can do at home, such as ECG, measurement of body temperature, blood pressure, saturation. The doctor can evaluate the information from these devices in real time and act in a timely manner. He can send alerts to patients, guarantee continuity of care, have constant access to vital signs and implement early therapeutic intervention.

What already exists

Televisit and telemonitoring services for patients with diabetes pathologies are already active in the Marche, but with the implementation of telemedicine with Pnrr funds, the aim is to increase the audience and the types of chronic conditions taken care of. Such as teleassistance in the field of mental health, for example speech therapy telerehabilitation for children and adults with speech disorders. The future of medicine starts from here.


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