Italy 24 Press News

Hit by a lorry on the A26: tomorrow in Novara the farewell to the young man who died on his 31st birthday

Novara – In the morgue of the Maggiore hospital in Novara the funeral home was opened to pay homage to Luca Rubbi, the man from Novara who died on 7 June, on his 31st birthday, in a collision on the A26 motorway. «I’m shocked by how much that day was supposed to be a double celebration – says Jessica, Luca’s girlfriend since 2015 -. In addition to Luca’s birthday, we had reached Albenga to celebrate my mother Vilma’s 65th birthday.”

The accident which occurred shortly before 11pm last Friday had a terrible outcome: the Volkswagen Polo with Vilma at the wheel had pulled over into the emergency lane due to a slight illness while she was traveling to her home in Gravellona Toce. A truck came from behind: the car was hit and thrown about twenty metres. Luca and his dog Sirius had found a place in the back seat of the car. His girlfriend Jessica was in the front passenger seat and suffered less serious injuries: «There was nothing more that could be done for Luca. He died instantly,” explains Jessica. Mother Vilma was stuck in the cockpit. She was immediately admitted to intensive care at the Maggiore hospital in Novara. They later operated on her elbow and transferred her to the emergency medicine department. The pitbull dog Sirius, who never separated from Luca, was also seriously injured.”

The truck driver who was driving the heavy vehicle is under investigation for road homicide: «I am confident that justice can take its course – says Marco Rubbi, Luca’s father -. The investigations will clarify the responsibilities. Now I care more than anything to pay my final farewell to Luca. After the cremation, I will keep the urn with the ashes at home, in the Santa Rita district, to always feel Luca close and present.”

Rubbi grew up in the Sacro Cuore district of Novara. With her parents and her younger 2-year-old sister, Giada had lived in via Crespi. He played football in the youth teams of the Juventus club Novara, Sanmartinese, Sunese – says father Marco. Since September 2016 he had moved to Gravellona Toce for work reasons. Rubbi’s funeral will be celebrated in the church of the Madonna Pellegrina tomorrow at 2.30 pm. —


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