Italy 24 Press News

Canterini and Danzerini Romagnoli from Imola, a fundraiser for traditional costumes

Land white shirts, blue trousers, the handkerchief with a red border around the neck, the colored skirts, the red and white striped socks. They are a bit of a trademark of group of Canterini and Danzerini Romagnoli Turibio Baruzzi from Imola, around 65 members, aged from 8 to 85, all volunteers passionate about the Romagna tradition and the values ​​it represents. The group, which in 2027 will reach the milestone of 100 years of activity, for almost a century it has been involved in preserving and spreading the cultural heritage of Romagna.
Steeped in history and tradition, the customs of the association tell the story of the culture of rural Romagna until the early twentieth century and contribute to keeping the history of our land alive. «The costumes we use for our performances are fundamental to creating an authentic and engaging atmosphere – explains Riccardo Franzoni, president of the Romagnoli Canterini and Danzerini association -. However, they too are affected by the passing of the years (some have decades of shows behind them!) and need to be renewed».
For this reason, the association has launched a fundraiser, Dress with us the tradition of Romagna, with the aim of renewing the costumes (at this link all the info on the fundraising campaign). «The last renewal dates back to 2004, twenty years ago – adds Franzoni -. We set ourselves a goal of 25 thousand euros, to date we have raised around 3 thousand, also thanks to the support of Con.ami. The campaign will continue until the end of the year or in any case until the objective is achieved.”
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