Italy 24 Press News

Obsessive jealousy and alcohol abuse, an out-of-control 46-year-old warned by the Ancona police commissioner for mistreatment of his partner

Obsessive jealousy and alcohol abuse were the basis of the mistreatment towards Vitra’s partner. The police commissioner of Ancona, Cesare Capocasa, who has always been close to the context of gender violence, issued a warning in recent hours to a man, aged around 46, who had engaged in serious domestic violence against his partner cohabitant. From the circumstantial framework emerges the probable existence of mistreated conduct originating from obsessive jealousy and alcohol abuse, characterized by acts of physical and psychological violence, such as to require, in an episode, the intervention of the police and burdened by the fact of carrying out in the presence of their youngest daughter.


The institution of the Warning, according to jurisprudence, constitutes a preventive measure with dissuasive purposes, aimed at discouraging any form of persecution in the context of emotional and/or sentimental relationships and therefore fulfills a typically precautionary and preventive function, as it is preordained so that the acts, specifically mistreatment, are not repeated and do not cause irreparable outcomes. The prevention measure of the Warning, which we remind you falls under the exclusive competence of the Police Commissioner, was adopted immediately, in consideration of the priority protection of the offended party, in order to interrupt the continuation of similar conduct by the abuser.

The next time the official complaint will be filed

The man was also warned that if he were to continue, an official complaint would be filed and of the possibility of undertaking anger management courses through associations present in the area.

The Police Commissioner of Ancona: «Always being there means above all intervening before situations degenerate. No story is underestimated and our attention is paid to all difficult situations so that the victims of such attitudes can count on our presence, our listening and above all our concrete help.


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Adriatic Courier

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