Italy 24 Press News

Mayor Masci in Porto for the Intelligent Cities Challenge

Mayor Masci will soon be in Porto to take part in the Intelligent Cities Challenge, where he will talk about the Pescara example for Local Green Deals

The mayor of Pescara, Carlo Masci, will participate in the “ICC Conference and Mayors – Business Forum” in Porto, Portugal in the next few days. The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) meeting will be held on 18 and 19 June and Masci will bring to this event the example of the Municipality of Pescara, which signed the first four Local Green Deals, i.e. agreements at local level to accelerate sustainability actions in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal. The goal to be achieved is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 55% compared to the 1990 level, in 2030, to reach zero by 2050.

The Local Green Deals signed in Pescara feature Confindustria Medio Adriatico, the Development Agency of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture, Crafts, APRIOH (Confprofessioni) and Pescara Energia Spa as protagonists and therefore actively engaged. The signing of these agreements was recognized by ‘ICC underlining that “with this significant step, the city of Pescara is the first ICC core-city in Europe (among the 69 existing ones) to officially sign the Local green deals. Masci has allowed Pescara to become a “model within the ICC program”, this is the public recognition received from the ICC.

The Intelligent Cities Challenge project is one of the largest initiatives of the European Commission to support the best European cities in the green and digital transitions and the path is the one defined by the European Green Deal, to transform the EU into a modern, efficient economy under the resource profile, decarbonised and competitive. Local Green Deals establish collaborative commitments to accelerate sustainability actions at local level, in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal.

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