Marchisio attacked by the “Drughi bianconeri” ultras

TORINO. Claudio Marchisio has ended up in the sights of the “Drughi bianconeri” ultra group. The former Juventus footballer he was attacked after he mentioned in the podcast “De Core” (by Alessandro Pieravanti and Danilo from Fiumicino) a “statistic”as he himself is keen to point out, which explained how Turin is not a particularly warm city in terms of Juventus fans.

In the photo, a post from the Instagram page “Juvengers.official” which takes up Marchisio’s words that triggered the reaction of the organized group “Drughi juventini”

“Turin is hot especially for the Torino fans, not the Juventus fans,” Marchisio said in the podcast. “The Juventus fan in Turin is not that you find him very often. When there is the Turin derby, they are the soul of the derby, they keep it always active, while the Juventus fan is a bit scattered everywhere.”

The statement did not please the Juventus ultras who appeared with a banner in front of the Allianz Stadium in which they denigrated the former number 8: “As a player, a lackey of the company, as an unemployed person you are a renegade. Man of sh*t!”, reads the writing.

In the photo, Juventus ultras with the banner against Marchisio in front of the Allianz Stadium in Turin

«This morning – Marchisio writes on his social media – I woke up with my cell phone clogged with the photo you see. I therefore turn to the four of you, with your faces covered, who proudly display this banner. It is clear that everyone is free to have their own thoughts and that, within the limits of decency, they have the right to share them. What I really can’t stand, however, is that certain people think that being “fans” gives them the right to do things that go beyond the limits.. Why do you think you have the right to hang that banner outside a restaurant where, by the way, I am not the only member? Why do you think the guys who work at the restaurant should waste their precious time removing it? Why do you think that nearby businesses should be upset by this gesture, as well as their customers? Why is it that in football everything is allowed? Why is there never a boundary?

Claudio Marchisio in hospital in Milan, the post after the checks: “I had strong dizziness and I did specific tests: everything is fine”

August 10, 2023

The banner actually appeared hanging in Vinovo outside one of the three restaurants managed by Marchisio (the other two are in Bergamo and Rome).

In the photo, the restaurant where Marchisio is a partner and the banner hung by the ultras

«The content of the banner doesn’t even bother me – continues the former midfielder – but the gesture of having him hung outside the restaurant». Then Marchisio tries to explain to the “fans” his story and that the accusations are unfounded: «A few words on the message. You four, who show that writing, know nothing. You have no idea of ​​the sacrifices made by me and my family, of the kilometers traveled to train as a child and as a boy in the most remote fields of the province. Of the adolescence never lived, of the friendships lost because I was never there. You have no idea how much time I’ve taken away from my wife and children.which I will never recover. You have no idea of ​​the suffering for the injuries I had for never having spared myself a single day. Of the courage to step aside when it was time to put the team before my personal interests. But you also have no idea of ​​how beautiful it was to live this life together with the many fans who have colored my life. Fans, they yes, you no! Quoting a much more romantic banner than this one: “They are all Juventus fans but Marchisio is a little more so».

Claudio Marchisio: “Let’s get over the idea of ​​the good guy. I put my face on the line to say enough”


November 22, 2023

On his social profiles, where the former footballer published his outburst, the comments are unanimous: all in his favor. Many stigmatized the attitude of the ultras: «The “character”, the so-called “font”, used in writing is typical of the subculture that feeds fascism and far-right political movements», writes a user. Messages of closeness also arrive from fans with other footballing faiths: «As an Inter fan, I totally agree with this post, applause». And again: «Dear Claudio…the style of the writing says it all about who these four desperate people could be!! Not even the courage to show their faces…in full squadrista style!!».

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