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death of the alleged accomplice Vittorino Checchia

Foggia. The case of the murder of tobacconist Franca Marasco, which occurred in Foggia on 28 August 2023, is enriched by a new tragic chapter with the death of Vittorino Checchia, 71 years old, guarded in hospital. Checchia was arrested on September 14 on charges of complicity in the murder, based on the statements of the alleged murderer, Moslli Redouane.

The Facts of the Murder

Franca Marasco, 72 years old, was brutally stabbed inside her tobacco shop in via Marchese De Rosa. The attacker, identified as Moslli Redouane, a 43-year-old Moroccan with a pending deportation order, stabbed her four times with a kitchen knife, twice in the abdomen and twice in her neck. Redouane fled with 75 euros and two mobile phones (The Unity)​​ (National newspaper)​.

The investigations by the Carabinieri, coordinated by the Foggia prosecutor’s office, quickly led to the identification of Redouane, thanks to surveillance cameras, telephone interceptions and testimonies. Redouane was arrested on September 2 at the Naples station. During interrogation, he confessed to the murder and revealed that he had acted in collaboration with a local accomplice known as “Neru”, later identified as Vittorino Checchia (Today)​​ (FoggiaToday)​.

The role of Vittorino Checchia

Checchia, resident in Foggia, was accused of complicity in robbery and anomalous homicide. According to Redouane, Checchia provided logistical support and the tools necessary for the robbery, including gloves and an anti-COVID mask. The two would have met after the murder to divide the loot (Gazzetta Mezzogiorno)​.

Checchia, during precautionary custody, did not answer the judge’s questions and subsequently gave up his appeal to the Court of Freedom to request his release due to insufficient evidence. The investigations continued, with the investigating judge of Foggia, Marialuisa Bencivenga, confirming the precautionary measure at the request of the PM Ida Perrone​ (FoggiaToday)​​ (National newspaper)​.

Checchia’s death

While he was guarded in the hospital, Vittorino Checchia died, an event that adds further complications to the case. The circumstances of his death have not been fully clarified, but his death marks a critical point in the investigation, which now has to deal with the disappearance of one of the main accused (FoggiaToday)​​ (Gazzetta Mezzogiorno)​.

Conclusions and future implications

The murder of Franca Marasco has profoundly shaken the community of Foggia, raising questions about security and justice. Checchia’s death could significantly influence the outcome of the trial against Redouane, whose involvement and confession remain at the center of the investigation. The prosecutor’s office will now have to consider new elements and testimonies to continue the search for the truth and guarantee justice for the victim and her family.

The community anxiously awaits further developments, hoping that Franca Marasco’s tragic death will not go unpunished and that the truth about the entire affair will finally emerge, bringing some form of closure to those who have been touched by this terrible event. (Today)​​ (The Unity)​.

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