Italy 24 Press News

“He killed our daughter but from prison he goes on Instagram”, the complaint from Michelle Causo’s parents

Our daughter’s killer what does he do in prison? A computer course, he’s the one who has been accused of trying to extort money from girls, threatening them with artfully retouched photos. Not only. From the same juvenile facility in Treviso, which has nothing to do with the penitentiary institution where he was initially imprisoned in Rome, as far as we know he would be creating ever new Instagram profiles with which to view those of Michelle’s friends from time to time” Gianluca and Daniela Causo, parents of Michelle, who was killed a year ago in Primavalle and thrown into a shopping cart next to rubbish bins, reported it to Adnkronos.

“I had already pointed this out – explains the girl’s father – but my reports to the Treviso prison also fell on deaf ears. Then about ten days ago a friend of our daughter called us, saying that among the views of her Instagram profile there appeared one that she thought could be traced back to Michelle’s murderer, obviously under a false name but with his clearly recognizable photo.” Over time – the parents report – according to what they told us he contacted other friends, or at least, those who he believed to be his friends but who naturally turned their backs on him after the events. He wrote to dozens of people. But is it something that can be done?”.

In the penal institution for minors in Treviso, the now 18-year-old boy is imprisoned together with 13 other inmates, two more than the regulatory capacity. Sources within the Penitentiary Police confirm the possibility for everyone to access the computer course and various laboratories. “He is certainly an exuberant boy – Aldo Di Giacomo, general secretary of the S.Pp. tells Adnkronos – but access to social media is never authorized”, he points out, explaining that the union “will ask for checks” on the parents’ complaint by Michelle.

“They should teach him civic education – his mother intervenes – rather than computer science”. “It’s not possible, after having your daughter killed like that, to also suffer this humiliation. Enough is enough. We ask that justice does its duty, not that they give him hospitality by leaving him free to look at the social profiles of his victim’s friends” .

The lawyer Daniele Meles, defender of the self-confessed Sinhalese young man arrested and currently on trial for killing Michelle Causo on 28 June last year in her home, contacted by Adnkronos regarding what was reported by the victim’s parents, says: ” I absolutely cannot confirm or deny that he has access to the computer, but I could be wrong.” (by Silvia Mancinelli)

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