Italy 24 Press News

Castellammare, for the council the couples game is on stage

The couples game takes place in Castellammare di Stabia. For the first council, Vicinanza rushed to “couplings” to obtain the appointment of a councillor.

It is clear that there is not room for everyone. We are talking about 10 lists for 7 councillors, a puzzle that is not easy to solve. And so the single-councillor lists are looking for an agreement, in some cases they are thinking about a merger, or even there are those who would like to join a party from a civic list.

And the case of Azione which is grappling with the annexation of the Stabia Rialzati list. At the celebratory dinner, in the presence of Gigi Vicinanza, the participation in Calenda’s project was announced by civic representatives. In order to rely more on negotiations with two city councilors. An enthusiasm dampened by the local leaders of Action: «We need to talk to the party first, also because we would be entitled to the councilor by right, with one or two councillors».

The couples game could also concern Sandro Ruotolo and the Five Star Movement. In the Democratic Party, the strong electoral couple is that of Roberto Elefante and Giusy Amato, so in order to be able to influence the council and request the appointment of a deputy mayor, the MEP must ally himself with the Grillini.

In this pairing game, even the free hitter Giovanni Tuberosa (Pd) would look for Nastelli’s side (on Casillo’s indication) to indicate the councilor. While there is always a tussle over the deputy mayor, even if Andrea Di Martino clarified to that he will not join the council.

There is still tension in Futuro Democratico, where there is a gap between the two elected representatives Cuomo and D’Angelo and the group that refers to Lea Iovino, who could advance the ambition (as the first elected) to occupy the presidency of the council municipal.

Alberto Cimmino

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