Italy 24 Press News

directed by Meloni of the Entrepreneur State that defends the Italian interest

From the G7 in Borgo Egnazia, in Puglia, a strategic fact must be gleaned which seems to escape many observers and directly concerns Giorgia Meloni. It has effectively initiated a new governance of an international forum now in a structural crisis, opening it as much as possible to Heads of State and Government from the broader core of the Brics countries, think of India and Brazil first of all, and of those in Africa and the wider Mediterranean. He has thus built a dividing wall, which no longer has any reason to exist in terms of population and GDP, between the North and South of the world. A wall which, left standing, opens up disturbing scenarios on the world balance where autocracies and democracies experience the long season of military, energy, civil wars and the great demographic crisis.

Above all, however, through this choice, which brings Giorgia Meloni closer to the vision of the Founding Fathers of Europe – Adenauer, Schuman and De Gasperi – obviously in a completely different context, our Prime Minister has played, here too in fact, a role of director of the State, an Italian entrepreneur according to the rules of the market who defends the national interest in the profoundly changed arena of global competition. Just like France was able to do in its best seasons which belong to the past. Today Macron’s gambling is a serious problem for the whole of Europe for which it is right that those who caused it, the Elysée and the already battered French economy, pay the bill, not stable countries with a growing economy , positive net financial position, export records, as is Italy this season.

This point of absolute political-economic relevance which concerns Giorgia Meloni’s role as director of the entrepreneurial state has gone almost unnoticed, but in our opinion it is the highest point of that country system strategy which, except in rare cases, has almost always been missing to Italy and which has weighed against our large global companies, leaving them orphans of the political-institutional-international strength behind them that their French and German sisters have always had. It is no small feat to bring Biden, Lula, the leaders of Japan and the great Western democracies, the African Union, Argentina and so on around the same table, as the Italian Prime Minister did. The world number one of BlackRock, Larry Fink, and of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, together with the company heads of Enel, Flavio Cattaneo, of Eni, Claudio Descalzi, and of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Cdp), Dario Scannapieco, and with who leads the large multilateral and development banks.

We need to tell each other clearly. There was no academy around that table as it was not done before and will not be done afterwards. Because, just as an example, for Enel to have the renewal of the concessions with Brazil by prevailing over its internal competitor is not trivial and the same goes for Argentina. We are talking about something worth 30 billion in all of South America, of which 13.5 in Brazil alone which for them is 70 billion Reais. They are everything or almost everything.

Bringing school and training to Morocco means making a large investment in the future with that non-predatory spirit which is the only one capable of stealing the continent of hope, which is Africa, for its youth forces and treasures of raw materials, such as the entire wider Mediterranean, from the oppressive yoke of the old French and English colonialisms and the new ones, established with the weapons of the Russians and the usury money of the Chinese.

Enel, so to speak, will be able to contribute to training “specialist skills” in the world of the future as it is the leading global operator in the renewable energy and electricity distribution sector, present in 28 countries, five continents. “Zero emissions” have reached 82% of the total and in Morocco, South Africa and Zambia, 2.5 billion have already been invested in renewables. A package of innovative projects concerns the production of green hydrogen in Tunisia in partnership with Eni. Which, in turn, has very ambitious programs in Kenya and in 12 other countries, which range from gas to the production of vegetable oil to fuel our biorefineries and the decarbonisation of the transport sector, but which stand out above all for doing what before no one has ever made and, that is, the strategic choice of leaving 80% of the gas produced and everything found and processed to Africans. Our Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Cdp) now has all it takes to express, with around 10 billion euros of public resources managed ad hoc, its firepower and act across the board on the finance and management side. industry in developing countries.

They are all games of the future and billion-dollar orders of the present that bring wealth and work to Italy. Because taxes are paid in our country by increasing revenue and, therefore, the gross domestic product (GDP). Because new quality jobs are being created in Italy and just as many opportunities are being offered outside the home. Because an iron alliance is being built on an equal basis with the South of the world which is destined to become the North of the world due to Putin’s tanks in Ukraine which have broken the threads of the former dominant East-West axis, weakening Germany and of the new geopolitical context also marked by the horrors of the Middle East. The global logistics chains have been reconfigured and the cardinal points of the new map of the great deals of the future which today revolve around the two shores of the Mediterranean have changed.

Everything has changed, or almost everything. The merit of Giorgia Meloni is to have understood it before the others and to have translated this strategic intuition into the Mattei Plan which today teaches in Europe and America. However, that direction which belongs to the great international political diplomacy for the protection of national affairs and which was publicly perceived around an olive wood table in Borgo Egnazia so beautiful as to remain engraved in the memory of all the powerful of the earth, believe me, means say even more for this country. Much more. Because it expresses something that had only been seen little and badly before. Let us all take note of this great work for the economy of our country and try to capitalize on this value also as a barrier to the ideological drifts that prevent us from seeing the results achieved and burn the capital of stability in favor of profiteers and those worse off than us . At least this commitment would be good for everyone in the house to make their own.

PS The “global village” of Puglia, to use an expression by Giorgia Meloni that exuded pride, in the closing press conference is the expression of a territory that has had the greatest GDP growth from post-Covid to today in the area of ​​the countries of G7. This newspaper revealed it in preview and this data is part of that documentary change of narrative that the Prime Minister’s choice of Borgo Egnazia as the venue for such an important international event helps to build. This type of operation is worth much more than battles that belong to a past of whining that has done and does a lot of harm to our South.


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