Italy 24 Press News

«I’m on the indicated route»

“Must do it quickly and well”insists Mayor Michele De Pascale. «The regional Democratic Party has decided on a collective path, I agree with it a lot.” brand the position is councilor Vincenzo Glue. It is played in foil tip la war of nervesbetween the Ravenna administrator and the former regional secretary of the CGIL: both ready to take up Stefano Bonaccini’s baton, even if no one has the golden ticket in their pocket yet. But the absence of peace in the Democratic Party after De Pascale’s half step forward (“I will certainly never be a problem, but I can be a solution”), especially from secretary Elly Schlein – who passed through Bologna on Friday without saying a word about the future of the ‘Emilia-Romagna – it already seems like a half-green light for the reformist area of ​​the Democratic Party which is rooting for the mayor of Ravenna.

The Labor Councilor

The regional councilor for Labourwho signed yesterday with Bonaccini a harsh note against the government’s decision to pave the way for Seri Industrial’s entry into the Italian Bus Industry, nHowever, he is not willing to step aside. He measures words and nuances with the foresight of the former trade unionist: «There is a big one community, the regional Democratic Party, which emerges very strongly from the European and administrative elections – says Colla – and which decided on a collective path of involvement and participation of social, entrepreneurial, institutional and cultural forces, also immediately involving political forces for the broadest possible coalition, useful for defining the new political project for the next regional elections, but also for supporting the candidacy. I very much agree with this path and I have nothing else to declare.” A clear reminder not to rush the stages of the discussion promised by the secretary Luigi Tosiani, but also an invitation to calm addressed to the other “challengers”: the vice-president Irene Priolo, who after Bonaccini’s resignation will lead the Region to the autumn polls, remains also in replacement.


De Pascalefrom the event in Faenza organized by the Region to remember the 17 victims of the flood and thank the rescue machine, keeps the point. The Regionals? «I think it’s time to not to create problems and to look for solutions.” There remains the need to hurry and “have an ambitious project”, underlines the mayor of Ravenna, who encourages the Democratic Party to speed up. «We need to have a serious discussion regarding the prospects, but we also need to start it – insists De Pascale – because it must be explained to the citizens what we want to do for the Region. They have the right to know and the time for the electoral campaign risks being very short”. Yet, among the (almost certain) allies, there are those who still ask for time: «Open the coalition table immediately? It’s premature – the M5S coordinator cuts short, Gabriele Lanzi — because now we are still busy with the runoffs.”

The centre-right

In the centre-right, after the pressure from Forza Italia, something is moving. «We count on confront the allies next week”announces the regional coordinator of FdI Michele Barcaiuolo, who does not go too far on the profile of Donatella Prampolini (the vice-president of Confcommercio who ended up in the center-right’s totonomi): «We stick to the scheme we said. If there is a civic or a civic that broadens the coalitionwith which we manage to build a credible project, attracting voters who perhaps vote differently in politics, we are available”. But the door is not closed to political candidates: «All parties have figures within them who could run. But it is a reflection that will not only be made in Emilia-Romagna”, recalls the Melonian.

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