Italy 24 Press News

Paid parking in Bisceglie, the service restarts without the historical employees –

The paid parking management service, suspended last November, restarts, but the work for the employees who guaranteed it before it was contracted out to the new company does not restart. It happens in Bisceglie where the conditions offered to the historical audience of workers do not satisfy and fail to meet their legitimate expectations.

«This happens – reports Mimmo Spera, secretary of Filcams Cgil Bat – despite the fact that for six months the employees have remained confidently clinging to the verbal reassurances of the mayor Angelantonio Angarano, stated both in the numerous meetings held at Palazzo di Città with our trade union organization and publicly in some municipal councils where the topic came to the floor. We cannot but stigmatize with great disappointment and regret the fact that these reassurances have been completely disregarded regarding the protection of the staff historically employed in the paid parking service of the municipality of Bisceglie, who suffered dismissal from the work place”.

In essence, the company awarded the service, despite having offered during the tender phase the reinstatement of the outgoing operator’s staff historically employed in the paid parking service, has expressed its willingness to comply with these commitments by proposing a contract deemed “worsening” by Filcams, or the CCNL “Private Supervision and Fiduciary Services”.

“For us, as well as for the workers we represent, this type of contract is unthinkable because it does not relate to the sector and category we are talking about, it is significantly worsening in terms of remuneration and contributions and then because it was proposed for a period of fixed-term validity. All this made no margin for negotiation possible between the company and our union in the telematic meeting held in recent days as we would never have been able to accept this contractual proposal to the detriment of our members. They announce, immediately, that we will undertake legal initiatives in all appropriate places to protect workers historically employed in the service who have suffered incorrect treatment since the beginning of this “nebulous affair”.

Not only that, we remind Mayor Angarano – concludes Spera – that in June 2019 in Bisceglie he signed a memorandum of understanding together with the trade unions for regularity, safety, employment and contract changes. Even if a few years have passed, that document is still valid, at least for us!

Sunday 16 June 2024


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