Italy 24 Press News

Udine. They try to occupy the former center for minors, the neighbors call the police at dawn

UDINE – There is no peace for the former headquarters of center for unaccompanied foreign minors in viale XXIII Marzo in Udine. After the closure last October of the community, at the time managed by Aedis in a property owned by Sereni Orizzonti, there would have been several intrusions by “illegals” in the now empty structure, which would have intensified especially in the last period, according to they report the neighbors who stay in the same condominium complex and who explain that they have repeatedly alerted the police. The latest episode occurred at dawn yesterday morning and culminated in a “blitz” by the police, who accompanied two people, a man and a woman, out of the former minors center.


Just on Friday, the day before the intrusion, the property had changed the locks, to avoid further unpleasant “clandestine” entries during the night. But, apparently, it was not enough, as told by the city councilor and former councilor Lorenzo Croattini, who lives in the condominium: «It is not the first time that intruders have entered, so much so that on Friday Sereni Orizzonti, owner of the building, he had a double padlock installed to prevent people from entering illegally. By now, in fact, almost every evening we saw people breaking into the building, even though the lock had already been changed”, he says. Yesterday, the key episode: «At 6 – says Croattini – I heard some loud noises, I went out and saw someone kicking the glass to get in». The residents called the police. “The police intervened and brought out this man and a girl.” Croattini, like other condominium owners, has seen intruders enter the structure several times in the past. «The other day they were shouting at each other, it looked like they could beat each other. So I called the police, you never know what could happen.” The councilor believes that “these people probably go to that building to sleep.” Cell phones and backpacks were recently found in the facility. Perhaps, whoever broke the glass this morning (yesterday) could have tried to recover something”, hypothesizes Croattini. In Borgo station, after the latest episodes of violence, the Municipality, in agreement with the Prefecture and the committee for public order and safety, has strengthened surveillance, extending the opening hours of the local police station and patrols . According to the councilor of the Detonian civic body, “we need to keep the situation under control and warn in case of problems”. Another neighbor, who prefers to remain anonymous, also says that «after the closure of the center in October, we began to see someone coming in and out in the evening, on some occasions. We have informed the manager and the property. They changed the lock, but the break-ins continued.” A few days ago he was allegedly “found inside a squatter who was sleeping in broad daylight. Inside there were also some backpacks and some cell phones. In the last two months or so, we have witnessed intrusions almost daily, whereas before they were sporadic,” claims the neighbor. «For a long time the property has been illegally occupied at night by foreigners. During the night, violent verbal arguments also occurred – the resident continues his story -. The incident was reported several times, but the police found the doors locked and were unable to enter. Yesterday (Friday ed) the ownership changed the locks again, adding something new. This morning (yesterday ed.), at around 6 am, a young man and a girl broke a glass in the entrance, making a lot of noise, and entered. Called, the police arrived immediately, entered through the gap in the glass and found and took the two away.” For FdI deputy group leader Antonio Pittioni, «the Municipality should monitor better, especially the councilor Stefano Gasparin. The measures adopted for Borgo station do not seem to be bearing fruit for now. For now, they are still words. Those on the center-left are very good at talking, but the facts are never seen.”


«Sereni Orizzonti has never managed facilities for unaccompanied foreign minors – the company specifies in a note -. She is simply the owner of the property. We changed the locks just yesterday (Friday, ed.), we will do it again, and we don’t see what else we could do, given that these are illicit intrusions and public order problems that require incisive action on the part of the relevant institutions.”


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The Gazzettino

UDINE – There is no peace for the former headquarters of the center for unaccompanied foreign minors in Viale XXIII Marzo in Udine. After the closure of the community last October,…

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