Italy 24 Press News

Aversa. Roberto Romano and Noi Moderati look forward

The former President of the Municipal Council of Aversa Roberto Romano cannot accept a verdict which – according to him – his actions were clear and transparent.

Despite the failed election, his determination and commitment to the good of the City remains firm and convinced.

“I thank those who voted for me, despite having received ‘pressure’ from other candidates and former councilors from the coalition of civic lists and were not persuaded not to vote for me,” said Romano.

“They opposed me, they mocked the list of We Moderates which collected 640 votes and contributed significantly to preventing the mayoral candidate Franco Matacena from being elected in the first round, having placed himself at the head of a group of ‘political businessmen’ and who they used dubious methods under scrutiny by the judiciary and the police.”


“We are starting a new political path with the political force We Moderates, which aims to catalyze that healthy part of citizenship, aimed at making ‘real’ change for the city and for the entire provincial territory. Rather, we must ‘prevent’ requests from ‘professional politicians’ who have asked us for a passport to join the centre-right, after the flight that is taking place in the Deluchian coalition and the ‘political system’ that supports it”.

“We appeal to our regional representatives to ensure this does not happen. We are and will continue to be free men and women, we will not bow to anyone. Our aim is the common good, theirs is to protect personal interests and guarantee ad hoc promotions”.

“We will also be in the field in the future starting from that 2.5% that is attributed to us today by the polls and we will be proud of our past choices, “solicited” by many of them and today, with hypocrisy and opportunism, kept hidden from the citizens”.

“We add that the political group of Noi Moderati was already an incisive political force in the territory, acting as spokesperson for the discomfort created by the Campania Region, which transferred the headquarters of the Aversa Employment Center to San Nicola La Strada, despite the year has an office granted free of charge by the Municipal Administration in June 2023, with a parliamentary question to the Minister of Labour, signed by the Hon. Pino Bicchielli, regional coordinator of the party”.

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