Italy 24 Press News

He wins the Scudetto and dreams of the European Championship: at 18 he is among the most promising talents in all of Italy

«I don’t forget where I came from». True, genuine. Excited, moved. And who knows if he wasn’t retracing his entire life in his head. Step by step, chapter by chapter. His voice suggests it, his eyes remove any doubt. He does it a few meters from the people who love him: mother LindaPope Mimmogirlfriend RositaShe left this morning with my mom“) And Diego GriecoEvery summer I train with him, I owe him a lot»), the father given to him by football. There are only Ferdinand And Johnthe two brothers: “One is in Milan, the other in Belgium. I’m sure they followed me».

As he speaks he gives them a look, then focuses on them with the index finger of his right hand. They’re all there, on the famous ones red seats in the Conero stadium. A few steps from the field, the place of him happy with him. Visibly proud, perhaps moved. Indeed, certainly. Why they knowWhy they know. All. Every detail, every connotation. Every fall, every finish line. And then that trip, from south to north: leaving hers behind Campania and crossing the threshold of Liguriagreeting Naples and introducing yourself to Genoa. Rossoblù side, obviously. It is the story of an Italian Champion, the story of Marco Romano: 18 years old last March 1st and therefore many, too many other things.


Son, brother, boyfriend. But first of all theschitano doc: «I come from a small town, there are many less things than in Genoa. For me it is a pride, I will never forget my origins». He reiterates it. Then a further step back: «I remember the first kicks perfectly. I was three years old and I played in Real Forio (Excellence from Campania)every two weeks we had to travel several kilometers to go and play». The he says with a smile, a bit the way he likes it.

He has the look of someone who is self-made, of someone who grew up before others. And then a hint of presumptionneither too much nor too little. The right mix. Seeing is believing. In the end it’s all in that rigor, a series of images that he himself tells: «I don’t want to be presumptuous – he declares laughing – but I was sure I would score». He takes the ball, places it on the spot and kicks: «Between me and me I told myself to kick it thereI managed to do it and I’m very happy with it». He ends up there, under the top corner. To his right, to the goalkeeper’s left: «I opened it and it was fine». Always smiling. And then the race, that damned race… Under the grandstand, in raptures. With his arms open as if to say: «I put it there, see?». From then on, a bit of everything would happen, in order: triple whistle from Barbetti di Arezzo, Stefano Arata who shows it to the sky and a choir. He is the oldest, the most beautiful: «It’s us, it’s us…». And then? «We are the Italian Champions».


While he speaks he is in sweet company. No Rosita, at least at that moment. He would see her shortly after outside the stadium. Something more material, the gold medal. The one shown just before to those who love him, the one that he holds tightly in his hand, almost as if he never wants to leave it again. «I’m enjoying thisfor me it was a revenge after losing the final two years ago». That’s all? Nope, he spends a couple of seconds and continues: «Precisely against Roma, I got a nice revenge».

He remembers everything perfectly. But everything for real: pitch, result and even time. Era Juneprecisely the 29. Era Ravennaobviously the Bruno Benelli. It was the Under 17 Scudetto final against Roma… lost. But something doesn’t add up. Those who have wondered this still find it hard to believe: «But how is it possible that he played in a Scudetto final three years ago?». Simply by playing not one, but well two years under age. And playing for real, more precisely the entire second half of a last act that is more “sour” than “sweet”.


He still has that habit. And maybe maybe the 25 appearances and 5 goals in the Primavera. Clearly from under age, otherwise what’s the point? Then the “step backwards” with the Under 18stherefore the first Scudetto of his life: «It was a fantastic match, we also gave our soul and we were rewarded. Nobody expected itwinning like this is wonderful».

See you next year? No sir. Or rather, not yet. First there is a European Championship to conquer and who knows, maybe even to win: «I really hope I can be called up, we’ll see. In the meantime, I’m happy to have made my contribution». Factual? Factual. Two amazing matches, the first against Inter and the second against Roma. He was always there, on the left-handed trocar behind Ekhator. Obviously with all the best that the house can offer: technique (a lot), inspiration (very, very much), talent (in clusters) e fantasy (Does it really need to be said?). Stuff Marco Romanostuff from Italian champions.

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