Italy 24 Press News

Meloni “fascist” and upside down: the insults of the “No G7” to the prime minister

The manifestation of No G7 in Fasano it could only take place with a series of insults and threats towards Giorgia Meloni, as is now the sad tradition supported by the various antagonistic social centres. In fact, in the procession held on the last day of the international summit of the Group of Seven, hosted this year by our country in the Brindisi area, numerous signs strongly protesting against the head of the Italian government (and not only) were displayed. Before the start of the protest, the photos of all G7 leaders stained with red markers as if they were covered in blood. One image, in particular, is shameful the Italian prime minister upside down with the writing “I am fascist” and was posted on the walls of Largo Palmina Martinelli.

A few dozen people are present at the procession, including many young students. In the city some traders have closed their shops, while others have protected their windows with plywood panels for fear of being attacked and damaged. The event, organized by the “NoG7 Coordination Table”, ran through the streets of Fasano until reaching the Parco delle Rimembranze. In the square where the demonstrators gathered, other posters were also shown: “Puglia is not a war zone, no to the G7 in our land“, “No to the G7 of the War of the Masters of the World“, “Work not war” And “Meloni complicit in the genocide“. All punctuated by chants such as “Free Palestine” and the classic insult aimed at the Prime Minister “Fascist Melons”as well as a “Zionist accomplice”.”Never again in our land – they still shouted –. It was just missing Netanyahu and then the butchers were all there“. And then again: “Death to all who support him“.

The mayor of the Apulian municipality, Francesco Zaccariaelected with the Democratic Party, immediately distanced himself from those insulting epithets and writings addressed to Meloni during the entire event: “I express my condemnation for the images of the G7 leaders smeared with fake blood and for that of the Prime Minister upside down – he promptly states -. My solidarity with our guests and in particular with President Meloni“. In the place that hosted the summit in Borgo Egnazia Roberto “Bobo” Aprile, one of the promoters of the “No G7” coordination table, instead expressed satisfaction with the demonstration which also included those types of insults and threats to the press. “Our protest is to oppose wars and concentration camp immigration policies in a determined way. We want people to come back – he declares -.

We will continue to be in all G7 ministerial meetings which will continue in the coming months. There is no need to be afraid and we invite everyone to take to the streets“. Maybe next time, possibly avoiding personally offending and intimidating the institutions.

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