Italy 24 Press News

Meloni closes the G7: “A success for Italy. The controversy over abortion is artificial. No step backwards on rights”

«I cannot help but start by saying that it was an honor for me and for Italy as a whole to preside over the G7, it was a success without fear of denial». In this way Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni opened the final press conference of the summit in Borgo Egnazia. «The final declaration – he continued – is a broad and significant document with many commitments in the face of global challenges, concrete commitments that concern decisive issues for our future», also underlining the «compactness» of the summit and thanking «all my colleagues» , naming them one by one.

Thanks to the Pope

“Yesterday we experienced an extraordinary day with the presence of the Holy Father, I can never thank him enough”. Pope Francis’s was a “very precious point of view” and an “extraordinary message”.

Support for Kiev

«The G7 reiterates its united commitment to defend the international system of rules based on law, put at risk by the Russian war of aggression». Even if there were those who thought the opposite, “we intend to continue to support Ukraine and we have chosen to strengthen our lines of action with a 360-degree commitment.” Then he recalled the “non-obvious agreement” on asset profits Russians, “to be defined from a technical point of view in the coming weeks”. allowed Ukraine not to be invaded. It is worth always remembering this.” Vladimir Putin’s peace proposal “seems to me to be more of a propaganda move than a real one.”

Africa and migrations

On issues concerning Africa in the G7 “the Italian approach was shared”. Meloni underlined how Italy «has tried from the beginning to create a point of reference» regarding the line to follow towards the African continent: «Combining efforts – he said – to continue to build a model that contributes to make Africa grow and prosper.” On the fight against human trafficking «we have brought an all-Italian model that comes from two great Italians like Falcone and Borsellino and which tells us to follow the money: follow the money». This approach “can make a difference”.

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The message to China

«At the G7 we wanted to keep the issues of the Indo-Pacific and economic security high», also «to send a message to China: we are open to dialogue but our companies must be able to compete on equal terms», in a rules-based free market.

Artificial intelligence

«Artificial intelligence is one of the most complex and impactful challenges: our objective is to guarantee that this technology remains controlled by man in any case and keeps man as its goal», a theme on which «”the Holy Father gave its contribution” also on the concept of “algorethics”, the ethics of algorithms. “We managed to get companies that adopt a certain behavior to be recognizable by citizens and consumers to adopt an initiative in the conclusions of a brand” «We must not treat this matter as if it were all white or all black: the tools are neutral, they are neither good nor bad in themselves. Artificial Intelligence brings with it opportunities and risks, it is a multiplier, what do we want to multiply? ».

The climate

The fight against climate change must be carried out “without adopting preconceived ideological positions”. Meloni says “no to the paradox that by protecting the environment we benefit other countries that don’t have problems.”

Global Tax

«Within the G7 we have agreed on a strong political commitment in favor of a fairer and more stable international taxation system, the famous global minimum tax, a topic that I particularly care about. Yesterday we listened to the OECD secretary explain to us that it is ready to be signed on a technical level. The G7 and the OECD have worked in parallel”, now it’s up to the States and “Italy’s will is there and I hope it will be done as soon as possible”.

“Artificial controversy on abortion”

«It usually happens that in official documents the things acquired are not repeated verbatim. In the Hiroshima declaration the reference” to abortion “was clear. I believe that the controversy was constructed in a totally artificial manner, the controversy did not exist in our discussions because, yes, there was no reason to argue.” “It usually happens that in the final documents what has already been acquired is not repeated, making them unnecessarily repetitive”, explained the Prime Minister referring to the recall of what was agreed in the G7 in Hiroshima on the topic of abortion. «I understand why these controversies arise but there was no controversy» within the G7 in Puglia on the topic, added Meloni, reiterating his position on law 194: «It will not be modified but only applied because there is no need of changes.”

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ilario lombardo

June 14, 2024

LGBTQ rights

“In the government in these two years there have been no steps backwards with respect to issues such as the right to abortion or LGBT rights, the reality is different from a story that I see animated by various alleged observers, whose expectations have been disappointed.” Likewise “there was no step backwards” on LGBT at the G7.

“Provocations from the opposition”

“I find it very serious that there are members of the majority who fall for provocations, I predict that it will increase.” But “not even this managed to ruin the excellent outcome of this summit.” «I think that citizens must ask themselves what the love for our nation is of political exponents who try to provoke in order to obtain a result by mocking and occupying government benches: for all those who are good at giving us lessons on respect for institutions, perhaps if you start from respect for your nation you also arrive at respect for the institutions, which I haven’t seen.” The reply on Good to know”.

The war in Gaza

«I think we need to remember who started all this and it wasn’t Israel, but someone who killed civilians, women and children. Now we must work for peace, which means dialogue, recognizing Israel’s right to be safe, to live in peace, and the right of the Palestinians to have their own state in which to live peacefully. It is the only way to address this problem, our job is to dialogue with everyone.” Thus answering a question about whether Italy intended to block the sale of weapons to Israel. «It seems that Israel has fallen into a trap, a trap set by Hamas which had the aim of isolating it and it seems to be working. We work on her safety, that’s what Italy is doing.”

The elections for the White House

«I’m not worried about the American elections, it being understood that I prefer not to enter the elections of the allied countries with a straight leg, just as I’ve never liked» others dealing with the Italian elections. This is the answer to a question about the next US elections which could be won by Donald Trump.

Image of Meloni upside down

A photo of Meloni upside down with the writing “I am fascist” was posted on the walls of Largo Palmina Martinelli in Fasano where the protesters of the No G7 coordination are gathering and will march in a procession. At the moment there are a few dozen people, including many young students. “Never again in our land – they shout – only Netanyahu was missing and then the butchers were all there.” “Death to all those who support him, Meloni fascist Zionist accomplice”, they add while also posting signs against Modi who “mistreats women and all his people”. Photos of the G7 leaders were also posted, stained with red markers on their faces and near their mouths because “they are stained with the blood of the people”. «Our protest – explains Bobo Aprile, representative of the No G7 Coordination Table – is to oppose in a determined way wars and immigration policies based on concentration camps. We want people to return to the streets, perhaps we won’t succeed today but we will continue to be in all the G7 ministerial meetings that will continue. There is no need to be afraid and we invite everyone to take to the streets.” «The Russian-Ukrainian conflict is the re-proposal – states a young protester – of patterns of the imperialist war that has gripped our world since the advent of capitalism. There is also the Palestinian question: since 7 October that people have been suffering a genocide.”

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