Italy 24 Press News

Mare Nordest, the exhibition that talks about the sea and its conservation

15.06.2024 – 10.50 – Talking about the sea to remember its problems that concern him. It’s the spirit of Northeast Seaan event now in its 13th edition and organized by the sports club of the same name: the environment, sport and tourism are at the centre. All with a marked international cut: they are involved 8 European countriestwo nautical academies and 4 universities, 3 Italian and one from South Africa. Then Sunday’s event is international: the crossing of nations, with the champion Silvia Boidi which will start from Croatia, to reach Piazza Unità: 27 kilometers in 10 hours.

Thanks to a welcoming 700 m2 tensile structure. and the activities proposed from 14 to 16 June with free entry in the exclusive setting of Piazza dell’Unità d’Italia in Trieste the public will be able to enjoy the various proposed themes capable of combining sport, culture, science, history, fashion and art. This year the event will be characterized by crossing of the Three Nations – Croatia, Slovenia and Italy – 27 km. of strokes from Punta Salvore to Trieste which will see the participation of the champion Silvia Boidi and athletes from Croatia and Slovenia, from the International Exhibition of Underwater Activities and the Ceremony for the awarding of the Golden Trident Award, from a high profile conference on Scuttling and the Trieste Naval Park project , the presentation of Namirs project (North Adriatic Maritime Incident Response System), an evening dedicated to observing and photographing the wonders that populate the cosmos and other important and interesting meetings, exhibitions and workshops for children and teenagers organized by the scientific partners of Mare Nordest. Finally, the second edition of the parade will embellish the Festival Trieste Sustainable Fashion.

Mare Nordest 2024 is finally part of the project Europe Direct Trieste, managed by the Municipality of Trieste in agreement with the Representation of the European Commission in Italy. For the entire period of the event, the exhibition of astronomical photographs with the works of Antares members and the personal photographic exhibition “Why” by Giuseppe D’Iglio.

Also for this edition, Mare Nordest will be alongside theInternational Academy of Underwater Sciences and Techniques chaired by Paolo Ferraro for a new appointment which, for the third year, will bring the International Exhibition of Underwater Activities and the Award Ceremony to Trieste Golden Trident Award and Academy Award with the participation of personalities of great standing from different countries.

This year, the prestigious award will be awarded to Andrea Alpini (explorer who carried out underwater expeditions on various wrecks including that of the Andrea Doria), Marco Anzidei (biologist who coordinated numerous research projects aimed at the interdisciplinary study of the seabed and the coastal strip), Jose Garcia March (Scientific Director and Principal Researcher of the Marine Biology Group of the Catholic University of Valencia (Spain) specialized in the study of the Pinna Nobilis), Edoardo Tortorici (underwater archaeologist and President of the Italian Institute of Underwater Archeology – IIAS), Adriano Penco (underwater photographer of great artistic depth and international fame) e François Sarano (oceanographer, professional diver, expedition leader and former scientific advisor to Commander Jacques Cousteau with whom he participated in about twenty expeditions aboard the Calypso).

The. will also be awarded Academy Award 2024 to SUEX srl “The Exploration Company”, leader in the production of underwater tractors (DPV – Diver Propulsion Vehicle) and instruments for underwater navigation which have favored and spread underwater exploration. The winners were presented yesterday, Friday 14 Juneduring the inaugural ceremony hosted in the Representative Hall of the Palazzo della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia presented by the journalist Francesco Cardella and in which the regional councilor for environmental protection took part, Fabio Scoccimarrothe municipal councilor for real estate and sports policies, Elisa Lodithe secretary general of the Central European Initiative (CEI) Roberto Antonionethe national vice president of Assonautica, Roberto de Gioiathe director of the Adriatic Nautical Academy, Bruno Zvech, the director of the Antarctic Museum, Esther Colizzathe president of Mare Vivo, Maria Cristina Pedicchiothe president of Trieste Trasporti, Maurizio Marzithe commander of the Port Authority of Trieste, Luciano Del Prete and the Consul of Slovenia, Grogor Shuc.

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