Italy 24 Press News

Viterbo – Former mayor Gabbianelli applauds Frontini: “After many years I see the city being reborn”

The former mayor cancels with a short and apparently innocent sentence all the work of the former allies and mayors of Viterbo Giulio Marini and Giovanni Arena (and also of Leonardo Michelini, mayor for the csx)

VITERBO – On the occasion of the new inauguration of the Melvin Jones park this morning, the former mayor Giancarlo Gabbianelli returned to defend the work of Chiara Frontini, who has always been his “pupil”.

“I hope that in another 20 years it will have the same care that Chiara Frontini is showing towards the city today, despite all the difficulties”, declared the former mayor who inaugurated the park nearby for the first time just two decades ago of the Chamber of Commerce and the historic walls of Viterbo.

Making matters worse, Gabbianelli was also keen to underline that “For the first time, after many years, I am seeing the city reborn”. A declaration that for many will have gone unnoticed, but which cannot be ignored by the many mayors who after him have dealt with Viterbo, in particular with public greenery and other public utility works.

We remember that after Giancarlo Gabbianelli – who was mayor of Viterbo for almost two entire mandates, from 1999 until his resignation in 2008 in the name of the then PdL (union of the CDX) – two other centre-right mayors, and one from the centre-left (Leonardo Michelini) they took care of the administration of the capital. Obviously we are talking about Berlusconi supporters Giulio Marini, mayor from 2008 until the end of his mandate in 2013 and Giovanni Arena, mayor from 2018 to December 2021, the month in which he chose to resign.

From the words spoken this morning it is clear that the scar that has been created for years between Gabbianelli and the rest of his old allies still seems very open.

Viterbo – The Melvin Jones park returned to the citizens: “The patience of the people of Viterbo is repaid”

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