Italy 24 Press News

The “Mythical circus walk” inaugurated AstiTeatro [photogallery]

The 46th edition of the Asti Teatro festival was officially inaugurated on Thursday. The protagonists are the acrobats of the ArteMakia Company in a crowded Italian square, on stage with the “Mythical circus walk”, written and directed by Milo Scotton.
«We hope that this program can brighten up more evenings», hoped the municipal councilor for Culture, Paride Candelaresi, during the initial greeting. «Every year we try to understand what was done well or not well in the previous edition, acting accordingly to improve the offer. This – he underlined – is our great strength.”
The opening, traveling show “brought back to life” the protagonists of the most well-known classical Greek myths, from Narcissus to Icarus, with the aim of generating a reflection on current human values. It took place between Piazzetta Italia and Piazza Alfieri along six stations, including narratives, special effects, music and evocative acrobatics by the talented and elegant tightrope walkers of ArteMakia.
«This year Asti Teatro will be very transversal – announced the artistic director of the festival, Mario Nosengo – and suitable for everyone, proposing different genres, from prose, to dance, up to musical comedy. It will be a festival characterized by many curiosities, dedicated to citizens and the city. An edition in which we also tried to involve young people who bring new languages ​​and their themes. In this regard, I underline a curiosity: those under 35 don’t talk about the present or the future, but about the past.”
To then address the spectators: «Run and see Asti Teatro: it needs you. And, in any case, it’s really worth it.”

The festival

The festival continues until June 29th with a rich program made up of 29 shows, which also include 10 regional and 8 national premieres.
To the traditional places where the shows take place – Spazio Kor, Cortile del Michelerio, Diavolo Rosso, Teatro Alfieri, Sala Pastrone, Archivio Storico – this year we add the Family Foyer in via Milliavacca and Eo Arte in via Brofferio.
The theme of the festival is the result of suggestions on the past/present/future, following the common thread of nostalgia. Intended not with a melancholic meaning, but as a stimulus to intergenerational dialogue.
For information on the program and tickets click here.

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