Italy 24 Press News

he was discharged from the Polyclinic

He apparently felt ill last night during the anti-G7 demonstration in front of the entrance to the media center in Bari. The young man who apparently fell ill yesterday while taking part in the protest organized by the environmental movement was discharged this morning from Bari Polyclinic. Extinction Rebellion. In fact, a few dozen demonstrators last night symbolically chained themselves to the entrance gates of the Fiera del Levante to contest the environmental policies of world leaders.

According to the protestors’ version, reported by ANSA, the young man would have fainted while trying to chain himself to a rod of the entrance gate, and in the process he would have encountered an obstacle from police officers. The Bari Police Headquarters, however, explains ANSA, specifies that the protester did not faint and that no one held him while he was trying to tie himself to the gate.

The young man reportedly said he felt ill and was therefore taken to hospital with an 118 ambulance.

The episode will be clarified through the images of the security cameras that have already been acquired to reconstruct the dynamics of the event.

The protester was kept under observation in the Polyclinic all night and finally discharged this morning.

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