Italy 24 Press News

Avellino, ZTL in the historic center for the summer: the nightmare of fines returns

The historic center for the third year in a row it is transformed into a limited traffic area. From this evening and for the entire summer period, the infamous gates which last year resulted in fine after fine, becoming a real nightmare for distracted motorists or those unaware of the new mobility issues, will be reactivated.Precisely for this reason the prefectural commissioner, Paolo D’Attilio, in agreement with the command of the Municipal Policehas decided to gradually get road users used to the summer rules again.

For the first few days, in fact, the entrances to the area off limits to cars and scooters will be signposted with special barriers and the massive presence of White Helmets in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, in retrospect, in the letterbox. We start slightly late compared to last year, the Municipality preferred to wait at least for the outcome of the first round of the administrative elections. Another novelty is the return to the old timetable.

There Ztl will activate again at 8pm, no longer at 8.30pm as established last year in agreement with those traders who, not managing evening clubs, had noticed a drop in sales in the last half hour of opening. Roads prohibited to motorists until 1am, with the exception of residents, emergency vehicles, loading and unloading. The ministerial authorization will be valid until September 30th, but it cannot be ruled out that the pedestrianization could end a few weeks earlier. The roads affected are always the same. The seven gates authorized by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure will be activated and deactivated at the entrances to Corso Umberto, Via Luigi Amabile, San Modestino ramp, Piazza Libertà, Via Casale, Vico Episcopio and Largo Triggio.

In those streets, managers of wineries, pubs, restaurants and evening clubs will be able to place tables and umbrellas, organize mini-events and entertain their customers outdoors on sultry summer evenings. The traders themselves, in recent days, had expressed their concern about the failure to activate the ZTL, fearing that, as the city was undergoing an electoral transition, it would be necessary to wait for the installation of the future municipal administration. However, this is not the case. And the prefectural commissioner, without having to draft a new management ordinancewas able to reactivate the Ztl on the basis of the old ministerial authorization.

Instead, we will have to wait for the new council to find out the possible program of summer events. Without which the streets of the historic centre, especially during weekdays, are destined to remain deserted. From today, therefore, motorists will have to pay maximum attention to avoid running into the cameras located at the seven entrance gates to the limited traffic zone. Last year the hail of fines that fell on the people of Avellino sparked fierce controversy.

Several of them have received a hefty fine, up to 97 euros in fines, which can be reduced to 72 euros if paid within five days of notification, both when entering and leaving the gates and, often, more than once in the same evening. Particularly contested was the passage in Via Luigi Amabile where motorists, once aware of the ZTL, they are led to reverse or turn a few meters further on left along via Alberico Crescitelli. In this way the camera system records the license plate within a few seconds both when entering and leaving. For a total of 194 euros. Last year, the protests and requests for a moratorium for those who made mistakes were of no avail. This year, motorists are warned.


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