Italy 24 Press News

“I did something that shouldn’t be done”

Paolo Bonolis is one of the most loved television hosts of all time. His name was among those selected to replace Amadeus at the Festival. What he suddenly revealed.

In all these years the public has learned to know Paul under multiple facets. Many programs have highlighted his talent, a man with innate talents capable of glueing viewers to the small screen. What captivates in a captivating way is certainly his gab.

Bonolis has a strong intelligence that emerges in everything he does. Hello Darwin and next one acquire a very high value thanks to its management. Together with him his lifelong friend and brother Luca Laurenti. The two are each other’s sidekicks and this is a very important a plus point for the success of the various formats.

Paolo Bonolis returns to talk about his work in Sanremo

Bonolis also had the chance to be Artistic director of the Sanremo Festival in 2005 and 2009. An unforgettable experience for Paolo. The five years carried out by Amadeus have given the Festival many new features and great room for improvement. However, the host has decided not only to no longer present Sanremo but also to leave Rai to go to Channel Nine. After this announcement, all the names immediately emerged as to who will take his place. Bonolis was among the most coveted choices, but the final decision ultimately fell on him Carlo Conti. Paolo returned to talk about the work done during his experience at the Festival, revealing an unexpected background: “I did something that shouldn’t be done. I went to listen to the songs that were to be chosen exclusively by the commission. They wanted to eliminate While Everything Flows and also Sincerity. I expressed my opinion on the matter, those two songs were actually beautiful.”

Paolo Bonolis returns to talk about his Sanremo. What did he reveal that was unexpected

The host said he had opposite to to these exclusions, arguing that the two songs could certainly obtain a great success success and so it was. Many things have changed over the years, Sanremo has inevitably brought to the small screen innovations which have benefited many artists. How will Carlo Conti fare? The latter has already directed the Festival, certainly after the enormous success of Amadeus, it will be difficult to maintain the attention and curiosity of viewers high. Who will be the artists chosen? The work behind all the preparation of the five evenings it’s immense. Every aspect must be given the best attention to guarantee the artists, Rai and the public at home a Festival excellent. This change in management has already fueled many doubts and questions in the passionate. We just have to wait for the next news and all the rumors that will surely emerge month after month.

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