Italy 24 Press News

The Municipality of Pomezia adopts fire risk prevention measures

The Municipality of Pomezia warns citizens that from 15 June to 15 October a state of serious fire danger will be declared for all wooded, bushy, tree-lined and grazing areas in the Lazio Region. All weekends as well as non-Sunday holidays from the beginning of May to the end of October constitute alert periods.

It is strictly forbidden:

• light fires of all kinds;

• explode mines or use explosives;

• use flame or electric tools to cut metals;

• use engines (except for those used to carry out authorized forestry work and not in conflict with the General and Forestry Police Regulations and other regulations in force), stoves or incinerators that produce sparks or embers;

• open or clear firebreaks with the use of fire;

• smoking, throwing matches, cigars or lit cigarettes or any other lit or embered material and carrying out any other operation that could create an immediate or intermediate risk of fire;

• carry out pyrotechnic activities, light fireworks, launch rockets of any type and/or paper hot air balloons better known as flying lanterns equipped with open flames, as well as other pyrotechnic articles;

• stop or park above dry vegetation with vehicles with hot engines;

• transit and/or park vehicles on unpaved roads within wooded areas except for service vehicles and agro-forestry-pastoral activities in compliance with the rules and regulations in force;

Reports can be made to the following numbers:

• Single Emergency Number 112

• Forest fire emergency 1515

• Regional Civil Protection operations room 803 555

• Local Police of Pomezia 069100586

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