Italy 24 Press News

Oropouche fever: symptoms, what it is and how it is transmitted. First case in Veneto, WHO: «Arbovirus more widespread»

Oropouche fever is in Italy. The first case in Europe of this disease – an arbovirus such as dengue, Zika, chikungunya – was diagnosed in our country in a patient with a recent history of travel to the tropical Caribbean region. Ascertained by the Department of Infectious, Tropical and Microbiology Diseases of the IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria of Negrar, the case has already been reported to the health authorities and the local health authority of the Veneto Region. The virus was isolated in the Department’s BSL3 laboratory, the first step towards developing specific diagnostic tests and studies on the ability of potential vectors (mosquitoes and midges) also spread here to convey the virus. The experts of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità reassure about the potential risks of autochthonous transmission of the virus in our country: although insects of the ‘culicoides’ species are present in Italy, the specific vector of this virus (Culicoides Paranensis) is not present in Europe, and it is found only in South and Central America. What do we know about this disease? What are the symptoms?

Covid, the KP.3 variant also in Italy? The expert: «Travel by plane». What it is, new symptoms and “updated” vaccines

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