Italy 24 Press News

Running, in Cesena the 50th Night will be a real spectacle

Few running races in our area can say they have reached 50 editions, and the definition of doyen. One of these, the “Notturna di San Giovanni”, will do so this evening, changing its skin and renewing itself a little. Endas Cesena Podistica, headed by the new president Carlo Mularoni, has decided to bring together all 3 previous locations in the renovated Piazza della Libertà, where it will be possible to collect the 458 bibs for the 10.8 kilometer competitive race, with the possibility of those undecided to join at the last moment, and also sign up for the walks, which exceptionally also include 4 rounds of visits accompanied by Guides (the first already at 3.30pm). From 5pm the Radio Bruno stand will animate the demonstration trials of the youth sector of Athletics Endas Cesena, trying to emulate the Azzurri at the European Championships in Rome, who achieved 24 medals. At the same time it will be possible to collect the final prize of the Endas Scarpaza Calendar, the oldest in Romagna, which once again proved stronger than the unexpected, totaling an average of over 1,500 at each of the 16 scheduled tests, and finally also the exhibition of historical jerseys and medals protagonists of past seasons.

From 8pm it gets serious, with the start of the competitive race from Corso Garibaldi, which winds through the surrounding hills. It will be 10,800 very nervous and demanding meters but with incomparable views at sunset, because from the historic center, where the Bonci Theater and the Verdi Theater will touch each other, you will head towards Rio Marano, and about halfway along the terrible climb of the Ridolfi will make your selection. Once you reach the top of the hill, you continue through Gessi Piccoli, Celincordia and the dive towards Ponte Abbadesse, where the flying finish line in memory of Casalboni is located. Two thousand meters from the end there is a further climb towards the Rocca Malatestiana, which launches the athletes down to the finish line. There are almost eighty individual prizes up for grabs, with the Bcc Romagnolo and Panathlon Trophies for the winners, which could be the prerogative of Nicholas De Nicolò and Martina Facciani (also in 2022) but will have to pay attention to Della Pasqua, Bianco, Bonoli, Benini , Lucchese, Bugli and among the women the reigning champion Cicognani, then Barberini Magnani, Moroni, Bonci and Camporesi. The largest companies will receive the Severini and Catania Memorials.

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