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Political crisis in Pomezia, the majority does not bow to the League’s ultimatum: ‘Let’s move forward’

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Despite the political crisis a Pomezia, the majority decided to move forward and not to bow to the League’s ultimatum. Yes, because at the end of the electoral round, once all commitments with the candidates for the European Parliament had been completed, the representatives of the League in Pomezia notified the mayor Veronica Felici of a document, with the signature of the group leader Fabrizio Salvitti, of the councillors Jessica Valle and Giuseppe De Luca and the commissioner Luigi Lupo. And in black and white they put their “not active support” to the administration. Despite this, however, the majority moves forward. And he does it, as he explained, for the good of the citizens.

Pomezia, it’s a political crisis: the League leaves the majority

Political crisis in Pomezia, the majority moves forward

The Center Right Council Groups of the Municipality of Pomezia – Brothers of Italy, Forza Italia and Civic List – together with the Mayor and the entire Council they decided to respond to the document of the Pomezia League, to that communication released last Wednesday, in which the desire not to support the Center Right Majority led by Felici was expressed.

“We learn, with bitterness, yet another change of heart on the part of the Pomezia League– the Council Groups of the Center Right, Mayor Veronica Felici and her council jointly declare in a note – who in recent months has demonstrated a fluctuating behavior and a political logic that is difficult to understand within the Administration of the City of Pomezia; a behavior far from the usual dynamics that regulate the political-administrative life of a Majority.

“Let us demonstrate, then – continues the note – our firm and complete dissent from the content of the communication released by the Pomezia League itself: the reasons assumed by the Pomezia League which would lead to not supporting the Majority they do not correspond in the slightest to reality, being specious and unfounded.

‘We trust in a responsible rethink’

“The majority of the Felici Administration, in fact, has always adopted towards the Pomezia League a respectful consideration of the recognized value and the pre-electoral commitments undertaken. This is also demonstrated by the fact that within the municipal council itself the Pomezia League holds the role of Councilor and Deputy Mayor” – they explain.

However, let’s take act of expressed will from the Pomezia League – concludes the note -, while trusting in a responsible rethink. In any case, we strongly reiterate the project of a united Center Right for the City of Pomezia, also in light of the important electoral consensus obtained from the recent European elections. We continue our government action in support of Mayor Veronica Felici and her council, in compliance with the commitments made with the citizens who chose and voted for this majority and in the awareness of continuing the work done so far, always and only with the ultimate aim of do the good of the city and its inhabitants“.

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