Italy 24 Press News

Castellammare, Vicinanza is the mayor’s first speech: ‘Hard work to restore dignity to the people of Stabia’

“I feel the responsibility of the role that I will undertake to play with discipline and honor, as our Constitution states. The citizens ask to restore dignity to this beautiful and difficult Castellammare”. These are the first words of Luigi Vicinanza as mayor of Castellammare di Stabia. The mayor’s proclamation and the handover of power with the extraordinary commissioner, the Prefect Raffaele Cannizzaro, took place this morning at 12:00, in the council chamber of Palazzo Farnese.

“I feel the weight of the trust that the people of Stabia have placed in me, only Mayor Polito obtained a higher percentage. I had more than 65 percent of the vote, translated into 22,400 votes. We also managed to increase voter turnout together. It is a sign of trust and desire for participation of the people of Stabia. Now hard work awaits us to restore dignity to this city and make Stabia Grande”, said the mayor as soon as he put on the tricolor sash amidst applause.

“We need to restore credibility to the institutions and raise the quality of the political debate. The Municipality is the home of the citizens of Stabia. The municipal administration is the institution closest to the people of Stabia, in particular to the segment of the population that has the least from society”. Then the mayor thanks the 14 lists that supported him, the city councilors and all the candidates. “Hard work awaits us because Castellammare, from Pozzano to Ponte Persica, has been abandoned by the representatives of public affairs and I am certainly not referring to the valuable work of the extraordinary commissioners. A very serious abandonment”, underlines Vicinanza.

“The Grande Stabia is a dream, a vision that must be transformed into concrete actions starting from everyday life. And then focusing on the numerous assets of the city: the main one which is the sea, an extraordinary heritage together with the beach, together with the mountain, the Faito, a great green lung; the spa, sadly closed for decades, to return the waters to the citizens; our archaeological heritage with the Villas of Varano and the Museum of the Royal Palace of Quisisana. And, last but not least, the Naval Shipyard and the production system linked to the two ports. Tradition is defended if we are able to renew by innovating”, explains the mayor.

“But what I have already said and want to repeat today in this chamber is that mine will be an administration open to everyone except the Camorra members. We must restore legality after the dissolution due to Camorra infiltration and I must thank the prefect for the work done Cannizzaro. It is the line to follow. We do not want, we cannot leave room for illegality, pressure and Camorra interests”, concludes the mayor in his inauguration speech.

“I feel the responsibility of the role that I will undertake to play with discipline and honor, as our Constitution states. The citizens ask to restore dignity to this beautiful and difficult Castellammare”. These are the first words of Luigi Vicinanza as mayor of Castellammare di Stabia. The mayor’s proclamation and the handover of power with the extraordinary commissioner, the Prefect Raffaele Cannizzaro, took place this morning at 12:00, in the council chamber of Palazzo Farnese.

“I feel the weight of the trust that the people of Stabia have placed in me, only Mayor Polito obtained a higher percentage. I had more than 65 percent of the vote, translated into 22,400 votes. We also managed to increase voter turnout together. It is a sign of trust and desire for participation of the people of Stabia. Now hard work awaits us to restore dignity to this city and make Stabia Grande”, said the mayor as soon as he put on the tricolor sash amidst applause.

“We need to restore credibility to the institutions and raise the quality of the political debate. The Municipality is the home of the citizens of Stabia. The municipal administration is the institution closest to the people of Stabia, in particular to the segment of the population that has the least from society”. Then the mayor thanks the 14 lists that supported him, the city councilors and all the candidates. “Hard work awaits us because Castellammare, from Pozzano to Ponte Persica, has been abandoned by the representatives of public affairs and I am certainly not referring to the valuable work of the extraordinary commissioners. A very serious abandonment”, underlines Vicinanza.

“The Grande Stabia is a dream, a vision that must be transformed into concrete actions starting from everyday life. And then focusing on the numerous assets of the city: the main one which is the sea, an extraordinary heritage together with the beach, together with the mountain, the Faito, a great green lung; the spa, sadly closed for decades, to return the waters to the citizens; our archaeological heritage with the Villas of Varano and the Museum of the Royal Palace of Quisisana. And, last but not least, the Naval Shipyard and the production system linked to the two ports. Tradition is defended if we are able to renew by innovating”, explains the mayor.

“But what I have already said and want to repeat today in this chamber is that mine will be an administration open to everyone except the Camorra members. We must restore legality after the dissolution due to Camorra infiltration and I must thank the prefect for the work done Cannizzaro. It is the line to follow. We do not want, we cannot leave room for illegality, pressure and Camorra interests”, concludes the mayor in his inauguration speech.

Castellammare, decay in municipal villa: child bitten by a mouse

Extreme situation on the Stabia seafront, twelve-year-old ends up in hospital

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