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New council? First the issues of Forza Italia – Pescara

PESCARA. Three issues to resolve, for the new council, and almost all of them at Forza Italia which, like Fratelli d’Italia, has four councillors, with the ninth belonging to the League. Also at stake is the tenth seat, that of the president of the city council.
And the first issue is the one linked to Masci’s two civic lists, in particular in Pescara Futura where in these elections the former councilor for public works found a place Luigi Albore Mascia. Faced with Mayor Masci’s initial idea of ​​giving him the presidency of the council, there seems to be a cross veto from the Azzurri base and from the provincial coordinator himself Lorenzo Sighthe. The former accuse him of having obtained a safe place in the Council by escaping the high competition that has been created in the party with the heavy entry of Marcello Antonelli And Maria Rita Carrot. The second, Sospiri, of having moved its 642 votes, which would have instead allowed Forza Italia to become the city’s leading party. The idea, therefore, is to co-opt the civics into Forza Italia by canceling the place of Pescara Futura on the council, and therefore of the former councilor Albore Mascia. An option that would facilitate the solution of the second issue, linked to the difficult promise to keep that the party leaders, including Masci, made to the blue base which had opposed the entry at the last minute of Antonelli and Carota, aware that their electoral weight it would have raised the bar of votes needed for each individual to obtain a seat on the Council. The commitment of the leaders to digest the two cumbersome additions was that the new entrants would not have roles in the council. But given the 1,500 votes that the Antonelli-Carota couple gave to Masci, the latter will in fact reserve at least one place for him: the presidency of the council or the department of urban planning, already held by Antonelli with the Mascia council. The third “blue” node, the pink quotas, to which two departments go: the most voted is Valeria Toppetti, 822 votes. But behind her, who could be made to feel like it’s her first experience (but also the former councillor Patrizia Martelli it was), the outgoing councilors are incumbent Maria Rita Carrot with 814 votes and the two remaining outside the Council: Martelli (693) and the most popular in terms of experience Isabella De Trecco (567). Once these three issues have been resolved, everything could start to take shape, but that’s not enough. Because, ok Antonelli, but if he joins the council, who would get the second seat? After Antonelli the most voted are Claudio Croce and Eugenio Secciathe first point man of Sospiri and the second of the regional coordinator Nazario Pagano. Between them there is a gap of 2 votes, 799 Croce, 797 Seccia. Not to mention that there is Fratelli d’Italia Gianni Santilli (837 votes) who is pushing to obtain a position (even the presidency of the council) that will shelter him between the two giants of his party, Cristian Ortathe most voted with 1,141 preferences and Alfredo Cremonesegrowing with his 870 votes collected despite five years on the front line as Councilor for Commerce.

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