Italy 24 Press News

Geppi Cucciari brings myrtle to Pope Francis

A bottle of myrtle for Pope Francis. Geppi Cucciari brought it to the Vatican on the occasion of the meeting between the Pontiff and comedians from all over the world: «The rule of Sardinia is to never arrive empty-handed», explained the artist from Macomer.

One of the many guests at the audience dedicated to prayer, reflection and, obviously, smiles. The American actress was also there Whoopie Goldberg: “A wonderful meeting,” he said as he left the meeting. When asked if the Pope will participate in Sister Act 3 (she had posted a video some time ago in which she jokingly talked about this possibility), Goldberg replied laughing: «Today wasn’t the right context to ask him, I’ll probably send him an email.”

Luciana Litizzetto reads St. Thomas’ prayer of good humor and comments: «Today is a day of joy, we usually only see each other for funerals…». It’s still, Christian De Sica he says: «The Pope is wittier than us». Then he reports that the Pontiff told him that he had seen his father’s film “Miracle in Milan”. Vittorio De Sica as many as “five times”.

“I was very struck when the Pope said that we make God smile. We are content to make people laugh, if someone laughs it’s fine,” he jokes. Giovanni Scifoni.

Also Giacomo Poretti he was struck by the Pontiff’s phrase: “Every time we manage to make someone smile, we make God smile too, it’s a message to meditate on.”

“I still have to understand how to make God smile,” he says for his part Luca Bizzarri. The meeting, organized by the Departments of Culture and Communication, was attended by 107 artists from all over the world, not only actors but also humorous writers and cartoonists.


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