Italy 24 Press News

Summer brings work to the Marche, especially in catering: there is room for 17,500

ANCONA – Summer arrives and brings work, even if as usual the seasonality of the hirings proposed in this period favors above all fixed-term contracts fixed term (82% of the total) and profiles that are not highly qualified in terms of qualifications (only 7.2% reserved for graduates). In the month of June – according to the latest Excelsior survey by Unioncamere which measures companies’ intentions to sign new employment contracts – in the Marche the expected hirings went from 12,750 in May to 17,470 this month (+37.0%).

Quarterly estimates

A nice leap forward, even if compared with the estimates from a year ago there is a slight decline in the monthly forecast (-2.1%) and also for that of the June-August quarter (37,890 contracts to be activated based on to business programs), with a decrease of 2.3%. A slightly worse picture, that of the Marche, compared to the national average, which highlights a modest decline on an annual basis for June (-0.3%) and a slight growth for the June-August quarter (+0.6%).

From the survey conducted by the Statistics Office of the Marche Chamber of Commerce, a heterogeneous picture emerges in the area, with three provinces experiencing a decline in expected hiring. These are Ancona (5,410, -2.7% compared to June 2023), Fermo (1,760; -3.3%) and Pesaro-Urbino (4,450; -7.5%). The province of Macerata is stable (2,860 scheduled entries) and Ascoli Piceno is making a comeback, where the scheduled entries are 3,010 for an annual increase of +7.5%.

The industry in decline

«It is industry (its planned revenue of 4,980) that has the greatest impact on the decline in the Marche region – we read in the Chamber of Commerce report -, with 290 fewer revenue expected compared to June last year, the result of the contraction of forecasts regarding manufacturing industries and public utilities (3,600 work contracts to be activated, -13.3%), while those relating to construction are growing (1,380; +22.1%)”.

Scheduled revenues in services are slightly down (12,490; -80) mainly due to the decline in tourism (6,070; -2.1%), to which must also be added that of personal services (2,500; -1.6%) . On the other hand, the expected revenues from trade (1,970; +3.7%) and business services (1,960; +1.0%) are growing modestly.


In this early summer period, the opportunities for operators and employees in catering activities are increasing, for which the employment contracts offered by companies in the Marche region reach 5,710 (compared to around three thousand in the previous month). Above the threshold of one thousand employment contracts, this is followed by unqualified personnel in cleaning services (1,220) and sales workers (1,150).

In June, compared to the previous month, the difficulty in obtaining supplies decreased to 46.5% (5 points less than in May) «while remaining significant and higher – the Chamber of Commerce analysts point out – than that of one twelve months ago (44.2% in June 2023)”. The main reason for the difficulty in finding the required profiles remains above all the lack of candidates (31.2%), much less their inadequate preparation (12.6%).

The ten professional groups characterized by the greatest difficulties in finding «almost all fall – we read in the Excelsior Report of June – in the large group of specialized workers and operators of plants and machines, for which overall the difficulty is 64.6%, 8.5 percentage points more than that of managers, highly specialized professions and technicians (56.1%)”. The peaks of unobtainable workers (or almost impossible to find) are reached with artisan mechanics, fitters, repairers, machine maintainers (390 scheduled entries, 82.1% difficult to find), blacksmiths, tool builders (170; 80.7% ) and workers specialized in the installation and maintenance of electrical/electronic equipment (260; 80.2%).

Those under 30

More than a third of the job opportunities are available to young people under 30 (35.5%) and many concern profiles such as merchants and catering workers. For the most part, these are not highly qualified profiles: only in 7.2% of planned earnings a degree is required, in 29.1% a diploma and in 39.9% a professional qualification or diploma. In 23.2% of cases the fulfillment of compulsory schooling is sufficient, while the incidence of employment contracts provided for candidates leaving Higher Technical Education remains very limited (0.6%).


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