Italy 24 Press News

The occupation of the Case del Sole in via Milano will end by July

The occupation of the Case del Sole will be completed by July of via Milano, and, for now, it seems we can say “all’s well that ends well”.

It began on 4 February 2023, on the initiative of the Rights for All associations, the Magazzino 47 social center and the autonomous Gardesano collective, with the«assignment from below»as they had baptized it, of 14 apartments to as many families having difficulty finding accommodation. For the ten remaining today, the Municipality found other solutions, deemed satisfactory by the promoters: «It is an extraordinary political victory – says Umberto Gobbi of Diritti per tutti –, the families will have decent living accommodation: some in apartments in theHome agency with sustainable rents, for others it will open the way to the assignment of a public house. It is a solution that was defined by the councilor for family policies Marco Fenaroli with the housing agency.”

Some residents of the Case del Sole in via Milano, in Brescia – Photo ©

The move, which will be greeted with a party on June 28thconcludes an experience that involved families in fragile situations but also people who, despite having a stable income, were unable to find a home: «Theemployment has brought the housing crisis back to the fore – continues Gobbi –. We showed the existence of families who, despite having a medium-low income, were unable to find accommodation in Brescia on the private market.”

The freed apartments will now return empty as they were, for eight years, at the time of occupation. The regular tenants will remain in the Case del Sole: «We are already following five families who have received eviction notices – concludes Gobbi –. They have to pay luxury resort condominium fees, when instead they are in a council house that has not yet been completed. We will not forget that there are more than 30 empty apartments: within a year we want them to no longer remain like this, otherwise it is possible that there will be new “assignments from below”. We ask that they be acquired by Aler to assign them.”

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