Italy 24 Press News

Mind-boggling super bonus: 112 and a half million euros for the ‘Molise construction site’, 5 to redo villas and houses by the sea

But what impact did the Superbonus have in Molise? A legitimate question that can now be answered.
Published by Ministry of the Environment, the list of interventions in Italy from which, with calculator in hand, it was possible to obtain the regional data.
Numbers, and therefore figures, of great respect and which will certainly fuel more than a few controversies. Why the flaw seems obvious: many of the interventions that have been grounded have little to do with what the original intent should have been. In short, renovating the house by the sea without spending a single euro or the farmhouse in the countryside that becomes a retreat on sunny afternoons, or even taking advantage of certainly important works such as those for energy efficiency to redo everything, Pantalone pays a lot, it must have seemed to more than someone like an indispensable opportunity, albeit with a process full of obstacles.

But faced with massive interventions that did not weigh on the current account which remained untouched, some headaches linked to the initial bureaucratic vicissitudes must have seemed the least of the problems.
The numbers, then: the renovation of condominiums, single-family homes and independent real estate units for a total of 445 interventions, mobilized 112 million 547 thousand 800 euros and 31 cents in the region.


In detail: for i condominiums, with the Superbonus, works worth 43 million 6550 thousand 741 euros and 53 cents were carried out. For them single-family homes (like the terraced houses, so to speak) 62 million were used, 904 thousand 365 euros and 65 cents and ‘only’ 5 million 992 thousand 6693 euros and 13 cents for independent real estate units (villas, cottages, farmhouses and so on).
The controversy will certainly arise over the list of works financed with the common EU debt: in Italy, overall, there are 60 thousand 755 interventions financed with the Superbonus for a total of 13.726 billion of euros paid by European coffers. Around 6.5 billion were allocated to the renovation of 46,922 villas and around 7.19 billion for the renovation of 13,833 condominiums.

As Corsera recalls, which published the link to the general table of the Ministry of the Environment, which effectively limits the national data and specifies the regional ones, “the connection between Pnrr funds and Superbonus is linked to a 2021 decision by the Draghi government not to weigh on public finances by creating additional debt”.
The Superbonus, as it is known, was introduced in May 2020 with the “Relaunch” decree which extended the system of tax credit transfer to almost all building bonuses. Over the years these rules have undergone various changes. Lastly, in February 2023, the Meloni government has decided to block the transfer of credits and the invoice discount system in an attempt to contain bonus costs, which have increased compared to initial forecasts.

In fact, at the beginning of June, Enea provided its monthly update on the data relating to the cost of the building bonus for Italian coffers. The cons for the State amount to 122 million euros.
Scrolling through the list of interventions eligible for financing in Molise, the six-figure amounts for the renovation of some condominiums and the significant number of works financed for single-family homes cannot be seen.

In detail, there are 95 interventions relating to condominiums in Molise that have had access to the Superbonus: we start from figures that are all in all acceptable and even reach two million euros as in one of the cases certified by the Ministry of the Environment.
There were 265 interventions on single-family homes: also in this case, in some cases these are ‘realistic’ amounts that slightly exceed 50 thousand euros but the majority of the works had costs exceeding 100 thousand euros and in some cases even 200 thousand. In short, one might think that the homes have been completely renovated given the figures…
They were 85 interventions on real estate units independent and also in relation to this category, the amounts in the vast majority of cases exceed, and often significantly, 100 thousand euros.

In condominiums, in several cases, work has ‘stopped’ especially following the abrupt stop imposed by the Meloni government: in the transition between the different political visions of the Superbonus, or rather opposite visions, many construction sites have suspended activities while waiting to understand what to do. Also because the great risk of the owners of the apartments of having to pay significant sums out of their own pockets has at least frozen the works until an essential clarification is made. Like in Termoli, for example, where the traces of this uncertainty are evident with dozens of buildings left half-finished, on whose external walls the signs of the first passage of the bricklayers are evident, then abandoned and now waiting to be resumed. But with private funds, obviously.

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