Italy 24 Press News

back and forth between Vito Leccese and Fabio Romito

Rivagano old posts to tease each other on social networks Vito Leccese And Fabio Romitothe two mayoral candidates – the first from the Democratic Party, the second from the center-right – running for the ballot in Bari.

The two candidates do not tell each other, and they use their social pages to tease each other from a distance.

“Between lots of messages of affection received in recent years there is a particular one: a certificate of esteem as unexpected as it is appreciated, coming from Fabio Romito», writes Leccese reporting an excerpt from a statement by Romito dating back to 2021 in which he says that to Decaro “he would steal Vito Leccese”.

«A message – says Leccese today – which demonstrates that the harsh tones that Salvini’s candidate is using against me in recent days are only provoked from the anxiety of regaining consensus after the modest result of the first round. I am happy with his admiration and I promise that, as mayor, I will not disappoint him.”

Romito’s reply was not long in coming: «I confirm Vito! You were a good Chief of Staff. But now we need a bit of discontinuity». Romito, still on social media, then attacks: «2019 elections, the center-left takes 66.3% (at the time there were no Laforgia or similar lists), the center-right takes 23.6%. Election 2024: the centre-left takes 48%, losing almost 20 points, the centre-right takes 29.12%, gaining 6 points. There is another fact, however. I get 8,200 votes on my name, Leccese (maybe because almost no one knows him, having campaigned as a stand-in for the outgoing mayor) only gets 6,500.”

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